Declaring on line - how simple is it?

It may have changed in the last 4 years - but first year had to be paper when I arrived. Its a very French system…

First declaration creates a Social Security number and Tax Number.
First “demand” from the tax people includes a “reference” - basically how many Euros tax you pay.
Then in year 2 they send you the “online” code that allows you to generate an online account - can’t remember which bit of paper that was on…

I remember thinking - I’ll set up an account - oh no I won’t. Now I’ll set up an account … oh no I won’t. Ah the third number - now where did I put last years tax demand …

I am relieved to report that we have just managed to complete our first on line return :slight_smile:
Last year was our first one and it was of course paper based.
Its a fairly simple return as it only involved UK savings interest, husbands AE declaration and the entering of our overseas accounts - Pleased to hear that next year they will already be on the system !
The 'Numero Fiscal ’ was obtained from last years demand that we received as a result of the first return.

Well that was quick - an email response with my new Numero Fiscal in under 4 hours.

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Now registered on Impots site, took 2 minutes - can now access the tax declaration as detailed in @graham post Here


Really helpful thank you.