Delays in processing requests for carte de sejour

Sorry another thought, the prefecture have NO control over the cards, they get sent to a central factory for processing so actually unlikely they can give you any info at all. As you say you have all your proof, it is not your fault and it will all come out in the wash!

Have you tried the main Brexit (not St Lo) email address???

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I might have sent you on a wild-goose-chase… if you have had your RDV already.

Our Maire managed to cut through the crXp after a “botched” RDV… which left the applicants bewildered and fearful.

I’d also forgotten he was just waiting on the card!

Goodness - what happened?

Hi Tory

Sorry but that is indicative that that is just another link in the chain that can go.

Any system worth it’s money would have a traceability element built into it. Without it the system is worthless.

Sorry if this sounds like I am having a go at you, but I am really not. You have been a shining beacon of help in this whole sad and sorry story.

I have been contacting St Lo at this address

PREF50 Etrangers

Can you recommend any other address, if you think it’s worth it

Thanks Andy

I know it is a bit crap! I’ll try to find the other email address for you. It is a general one not dep specific.

In darker moments I hear the word " Windrush " echoing around my mind

That’s the email address I’ve been using too, @andyw - I think the emails probably go straight into some sort of electronic bin :roll_eyes:

I think most will receive their cards in time for 1st October.

My year has been terribly affected by all this admin. Living on tenterhooks unable to make the various bits of French administration work and yet being under the cosh to get things done for deadlines. There’s no end to it and won’t be till end of year for me.

We are so lucky a lighter process was given by France for WA CdS though and I am grateful to the UK France officials who got it agreed.

My backup tactic would be to reapply on 16th September if I’d not received my fingerprint appointment invitation by then. I’d put the reference number of my original application at the top of the comments box. That would provide a double audit trail which I would guess, by making the problem visible, would trigger some action.

Nervewracking though it is, I think very few will be forced to reapply. But if you’ve not had your invite by then, it seems generally you having all the proofs and having done the right thing is not in itself necessarily going to let every French fonctionnaire fix something that’s gone wrong. So I’d do belt and braces ie apply twice and give them a fresh chance to work on it at their end under a new ref. if it got that late.

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Karen, under the WA all our working , social and healthcare rights are maintained until the 01/10 so no one should be asking you for it - gov agencies, employers etc. If you are having that sort of problem I have a letter from the Embassy and one from the Premiere Ministre setting out the legislation and they seem to work lickety split!

Well, had my RDV yesterday. All fairly straightforward and the actual process only took about 10 minutes although was held up for 40 minutes by two couples in front appearing not to have all of the requested documentation with them. Seemed to be to do with bank statements but I was only asked for passport attestation de droits and a utility bill for 2020 showing consumption. Told that the card will arrive by post within a month. As a footnote, the two couples behind me were both from a village about 4 miles from me so maybe they are going by postal codes.

Seedmart, what department are you in? I’ve NEVER heard of anyone being asked for 2020 EDF consumption!

CPAM has now demanded CdS or at least proof of application for CdS. Having told me at my appointment in person 1 month ago at their offices, without any prompting from me, my dossier was now complete, they said then they would require nothing more from me and the next thing I would receive would be a temporary Social Security Number with a request to fill a form and send both photo and form for Carte Vitale request.

This has added 14 days to receive that request and will add another 14 days before they will have received what I send back. That’s how long things posted to them take in each direction.

I phoned CPAM and asked why this new request in spite of what I’d been told and they said : Even if we tell you something in person face to face at an appointment, or on the telephone, your file is never complete and the technical team can ask for whatever they want anytime. They said the person I attended the appointment with got it wrong.

I did comment Tory that I had been told a WA CdS or application could not be requested by any official body in France before 1st October and received the reply that this CPAM policy had been to require it since 1st January 2021. It was almost “and the law of the land does not matter”.

Perhaps I had misunderstood.

50 Manche

No they have misunderstood the law. They are not allowed to do that. I’ll pm you the documents and you can try them. I’m sure between that and yoru application it should work. I’ve given them to SO many people nad no one has come back to say it doesnt’ work!

That’s brilliant @Seedmart ! Was it a 5 year card you went for? If so, you are the very first I’ve heard of in Manche :smiley:

What a travesty of a system, Andy - FR and GB. Clearly, as you suspect, a bugger’s muddle for the FR and the now default reply/fob-off from the Embassy because they know they will get no more back than any of the rest of us.

For reasons unknown to me and I swear not the result of strong drink, this CdJ thing is not getting at me like the C.V. did and as it is clearly getting at some folks. I have applied. I have an acknowledment of that. I’m OK, Jack until I’m not but I can’t second-guess how that may manifest.

I think the last week of Sept might be the moment to re-apply.

My biggie just now is having made an offer on a house this afternoon. If that all goes ahead, they can’t throw me out then, can they?

This may be the moment for strong drink … Or it soon will be.

Karen Lot

Something slightly odd. You cannot apply for a Carte Vitale with only a temporary social security number. The form to attach a photo to, and to apply for the CV with, should come with your permanent number.

Yes Angela, 5 year.

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Thanks Tory.

As my invitation to RV for fingerprints came only 13 days after my WA CdS application was submitted I am easily able to satisfy them.

Just the 28 days extra turnaround by them asking for this is annoying. I will be dropping off the documents to CPAM personally on my way to the Prefecture for my WA CdS appointment. I’ll add whatever you send with a charming letter referring to all documents enclosed so it’s not “lost”.

Might help someone else if we provide the official information to stop CPAM requests for documents they are not permitted to ask for.

After commenting yesterday that my husband hadn’t yet received a RDV for his titre de sejour, we were emailed today with a RDV , at the Prefecture in St Lo, for him, also asking for copy of impots and utility bill. So don’t despair… Sue Harland