Dental Treatment Costs

What confuses me is that the table of tariffs seem to contradict the information on Ameli:

the first link does say


If you are entitled to this new 100% via your Mutuelle and choose the products therein… that is entirely different.

Not bothered about the cost just need a dentist! Can’t find one taking on new patients in Cotes d’Armor. Will urgences in Brest help us if necessary?

Ah… perhaps Dentists in C dA might have been a better question… :roll_eyes:

sorry can’t help with that

good luck

Thank you Stella, we’ll keep trying.

The acts that are in the 100% santé basket don’t cover everything one might want to happen inside your mouth, and are the most basic of things. Perfectly fine quality (like OH’s 100% santé 30€ glasses) but not the highest. And it also depends on your mutuelle cover as to whether you get the full reimbursement.

So lots of things not covered…… and outside this basket of things your dentist can charge dépassement honoraires too.

I thought that since January, it was mandatory for any quote to include an option that is fully reimbursed.

This does not appear to be our recent experience, as shown in the attached doc.

BTW the dentist in question is listed as ‘sector 1’

100% santé only covers basic crowns, bridges and resin dentures. So it may well be that prothèse metal aren’t covered by this at all……. Ask your dentist if what is proposed can be swapped to something that is covered; resin denture perhaps?


I saw that somewhere too. It was either covered in a Que Choisir article, some of which are readable by non-subscribers if they are on social issues (I don’t have a sub but will get one as soon as finances allow, but I get their emails), or possibly 60Millions (tends to have lighter coverage).

Surely CPAM, possibly the English-speaking CPAM line which has appeared in posts on SF, could explain? Or a bit of French googling? I am sure I’ve seen the 100% thing too.

Yes, but it only covers a limited range of the most common requirements,

Ouch - chipped a bit off a molar a couple of weeks ago - no pain or discomfort, but it reminded me to pop along to the dentist for an annual check up and combine it with sorting the ‘chip’ out. Dentist advised me to get a crown and then asked me if I wanted a devis, at which point I thought, a devis, I’m not getting the car repaired, but then when she handed me the devis for 550€, the penny dropped and I understood :scream: Fortunately, I’ve never had to have any serious dental work done, so this was a bit of a shock. Got home, then promptly hit the internet to understand better what crowns were all about and typical costs. Then saw this thread and realised the 550€ was actually quite normal, and pretty petty compared to bills faced by others! After trying to get everything else sorted over the last year, a mutuelle was one of the last remaining little steps, so now wondering which level to get, considering this potential dental charge. A bit of investigation now to be done!

The average cost for a porcelain crown in the UK costs between £650 and £800 depending on the practice you opt for. NHS prices are almost always lower, but queues and waiting times are typically very long for porcelain crowns.

Was the devis for a 100% santé crown or a top of the range one? It takes time to get ones head around medical costs and now there is a new level of detail with 100% santé. This makes things more affordable even with a simple mutuelle. Look here for the basics:

We don’t have full mutuelles, just hospital policies - which many UK immigrants think is weird. It is a choice so I would encourage you to do the calculations, and consider your own attitude to risk and whether your finances could cope with an emergency. To date we are saving around €1,500 a year this way so our sudden emergency piggy bank is getting plump - despite paying for a root canal.

Thanks for sharing the link - very helpful. The 550€ quoted was for a ceramique crown which I guess is a porcelain crown - that was the dentist’s recommendation, but just taking another look at the devis, she also included another option for a metallic crown, which I wouldn’t consider, at the reduced cost of 290€. I’m not really to used to medical bills, so anything comes as a bit of a surprise, but I guess the silver lining is that it is still cheaper than the UK cost you mention :smiley:

As for mutuelle, you make a very good point, as, fingers crossed, I will remain fit and healthy for some time to come. I need to look at the different levels of cover and the costs more closely, although my tendency is to also run with the minimal hospital cover policy, as I haven’t visited the doctor for just over 25 years (touching wood as I mention this :smiley:) I do hope that’s not suddenly inviting something untoward!

Metallic crowns are actually really good for rear molars, but not for canines or incisors. I have one, and my OH has just had one fitted 100% sante. I’ve had mine for 30 years and it’s never given me a problem.
BTW, €550 for a ceramic crown is actually a very good price.

Thanks alot for the feedback, as more thoughts to consider :+1::+1: