I have just posted this on the Fast Diet Forum and wonder if anyone has hit the same snags in their areas if they have tried these diets and how they overcame the problems if they did.
Having been told to lose weight by my Doctor as I have Type 2 diabetes I purchased Dr. Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer’s book the Fast Diet, as my wife is also joining me on the diet, as well as the 8 week blood sugar diet by Dr. Michael Mosley.
Having read through the various menus and the ingredients required we have hit a bit of a snag. We live in Rural France and many of the items required are only available in the shops when they are actually ‘In Season’, unlike in the UK, and some we have just never found here.
Do you have, or can one be obtained from somewhere, an alternative list of ingredients that will have the same effect, that we can get in rural France?
The main items concerned are as follows with some dodgy French translations:
1. Cottage Cheese. Fromage cottage.
2. Fresh Figs. Figues fraîches.
3. Blueberries. Blueberries.
4. Fresh Strawberries. Fraises fraîches.
5. Watermelon. Watermelon.
6. Raspberries. Framboises.
7. Pomegranates. Grenades.
8. Goji Berries. Les baies de Goji.
9. Almond Butter. Beurre d’amande.
10. Halloumi. Halloumi.
11. Kippers. (hareng fume) Hareng fumée
Someone did find cottage cheese made by Danone under the Jockey label, it is in packs of 2x200gram tubs, in a green and white sleeve and it is called Cottage Cheese, and Fromage Frais Salé. Recette anglais, but unfortunately it is not available in our local shops.
A speedy answer would be nice as we are coming to the end of all of the “forbidden fruits” hiding out in the cupboards and fridge etc. that we need to give up, or restrict the intake of. Once this food is gone we will be having a serious attempt at following the diet plans.