Disappointed in French vaccine progress

I definitely saw a programme on this and it related to the counting of Covid deaths.

Good grief, you try and be a good neighbour so to speak and you get called ‘mate’ by a stranger, nothing may upset you, but that upsets me :joy:. I think perhaps stepping away from the keyboard for a bit is a good idea, myself included, people seem to be getting so wound up today!


Just reading this for the first time in late February and you have proved exactly right sadly

I saw that and my mind boggled! Can’t imagine the kit you would have to have to do your own smear test! But then they have so few women Ministers, or indeed female senior tories, that they had no-one to ask the basic question… (i imagine there is a civil servant somewhere beating her head against the wall at ministers who don’t read their briefing paper.)

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Did you look at the Lancet article that Fleur posted a link to Eddie. I found it interesting. They suggested that the rate by which the protection offered by the MRNA vaccines deteriorated was faster than the traditional ones, e.g. AZ. So, maybe pushing out AZ isn’t a bad thing to do. However it might be a very bad thing to do with the mRNAs. They also raised the issue that a population “half” vaccinated could put the virus under pressure and drive mutations.

I haven’t a clue about these things but in the day I was pretty good at having “experts” reporting to me and being able to ask the right questions. So when I watch a report on TV or read an article I’m always trying to read between the lines and it’s surprising how informative what is not said can be.

I readily accept that this is all very complex and there are many different opinions, I just have this nagging feeling that options are being selected by the political decision makers that suit the Solution du Jour. I guess, as I said way back, I just don’t trust them one inch.


Sorry, that makes no sense. I was reacting to something written weeks ago

The most likely explanation is that he doesn’t have the first clue what he is talking about and has got two tests which are both “something to do with cervical cancer” hopelessly mixed up.


I’m so sorry that I have upset your sensitivities using a friendly term I often use, where I come from we don’t tend to use names,but endearments instead, I won’t make that mistake again

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I’m still hoping to be proved wrong but the hope keeps receding.

Sorry about the rant. I’ve removed it. But I think there is a point to be made which is I was contrasting the (to my mind excellent) speed with which the vaccines have been launched compared with the “normal” length of time it takes. I had the impression you felt scientists have been cavalier. I think they have been splendid.

This is a recent comment from a cancer UK website.

There is no typical length of time it takes for a drug to be tested and approved . It might take 10 to 15 years or more to complete all 3 phases of clinical trials before the licensing stage. But this time span varies a lot. There are many factors that affect how long it takes for a drug to be licensed.Feb 22, 2019

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You’d think he would know all about gynaecology seeing he’s a c***


I fear a lockdown coming to a neighbourhood near you!
That will be really contentious with spring just round the corner, particularly if other countries who took action earlier …Germany, Italy, and rolled out vacinations more effectively UK, have a freer summer…i see a torpedo speeding towards Macron re election campaign, with M le P on the bridge next time.

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Oh I didn’t take is a rant Sue. I wasn’t denigrating the efforts of the scientific community, far from it. I just wasn’t explaining my concerns adequately.

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Another vaccine coming on line in the US - more excellent news. Single jab. Easy storage. This is beginning to be a bit like buses. :grin:


France is going the wrong way now. Local lockdowns being introduced as in Dunkerque. The country seems to be following the unsafe path that the UK did at the time of Atletico v Liverpool and Cheltenham races; consideration is being given to allow crowds at sports matches. 30000 new cases yesterday and under 10000 in the UK. I no longer live in France but would hate to see it suffer the presidency of Mme Le Pen. If Macron doesn’t get a grip the way will open up for her. The response to COVID will determine the way things go and not his lurch to the right policies.

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Reading those rags isnt keeping an openmind. Try reading some of the red tops and see what the info is being passed on. Compare what the express and mail are saying with the lefty snowflake rags if they match more or less then as one poster said “nuff said” The EUSSR swamp is causing a lot of scaremongering within the 27 states. The delay wasnt due to cost but primarily the incompetence of the unelected topfloor. The price paid by the EUSSR is approx 1.90 Euro per vial of 10 jabs. Now the price has gone up to 2.90 euros. Problems caused through the lack of basic ingredients is going up and there will be a shortage as the supply pipeline is controlled by the same Brussels Swamp. I bet the The Times, The Telegraph, The Guardian didnt mention this.

Why should it suffer anymore than under Mr Macron?

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You may not but you can bet that PoC and refugees will suffer.


Have you got a MFGA hat?