Disappointed in French vaccine progress

Maybe paul flinders can plot the vaccination rates, but I expect France’s number to increase slowly and steadily in the same way the UK’s numbers did in the first days.

I think the first two weeks at the beginning of December the UK managed about 250k vaccines each week, which is what France has achieved this week.

Personally I’m more concerned that Europe continues the travel ban, as generally it seems to make complete sense to me that anything apart from essential travel should be discouraged. None of the track and testing systems seem to be sufficiently effective and responsive to control variants so until that happens we risk endless waves of disease unless we all stay put as much as we can. So sorry UK and other non-EU countries - please stay where you are.

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Very good site : covidtracker.fr…tells all …about the latest numbers, nationally, regionally and by dept’ for both virus and vacinations you won’t need anything else

Yes it’s good. And an equivalent in UK, but fiddly to compare one with another

I know an old lady in Hampshire whose daughter took her for her second injection as planned on Friday or Saturday I forget which, but when she got to the Holiday Inn in Winchester where they are being done, she was told after hanging around for a bit that she would get it in 3 months’ time.

He isn’t the one to be congratulated, I don’t think - although he will obv take the credit.


Yes, when she was given the 1st dose she will have been told three weeks for the 2nd, it changed to the current 12 weeks for 2nd doses due on or after Jan 4th.

Work on the basis that he gets the criticism when it goes badly so only fair he gets the credit when things go right…and I am NO lover of him.

Yesterday France did about 8,500 and UK 320,000 at a rate of 140 a minute.
At this rate our summer will be one of restrictions and more importantly border controls will still be on place for months!
As far as I can see there seems to be little criticism in the French media about the v poor showing here or demand to get it ramped up.

For an advanced country priding its self with world leading health care its
nothing short of a national disgrace, how else French think they are going to get out of this is beyond me !


Yes, it’s shocking John.

Macron has got this all wrong, he’s a joke.

Is there any clamour /criticism in the French press/media …“why can’t we match Les Rostbifs”!

My parents had the 2nd dose on the 8th Jan. Maybe they are the lucky ones.

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In France unless they were high risk and in care home they would be twiddling their thumbs until late Spring at the current rate. Disgraceful here and a shame on France

An ex colleague who now works as a senior manager in NHS ( ex County Council manager) was last week given responsibility of bringing into use a “super” Vaccination center in Humberside by end of second week in Feb.
There is a template of principles to follow, army logistical help if needed and little red tape…not quite “requisition what you want” but expected to work on it seven days a week if necessary. Just make it happen he was told. That is why UK will be doing 500,000 daily by end of Feb.
Macron eat your heart out and French population enjoy a restricted summer


I wouldn’t say ´clamor’ is the word John. The big problem is that currently only 55% of French people, according to latest polls actually want the vaccine. This is due just about entirely to the alarming amount of so- called health professionals appearing on the media telling us that the vaccines may not be safe or they are not properly tested etc.My GP is anti vaccine, my DAL who works as a nurse in the local A and E/ Covid wards says that the majority of her collègues are also anti. Such attitudes are making the general public reticent about the safety aspect which is annoying for the rest of us who want the vaccine.


You have to make an appointment with your doctor to get an prescription for the vaccine, as if the doctors haven’t enough on their plate with normal issue’s at this time of year + covid, it’s like they are putting obstacles in they way of everything, typical French bureaucracy that is costing lives.
The goal is to only have vaccinated 1 million by the end of January :dizzy_face:
You would think they would be going at this hammer and tongs instead of fits and starts.



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Typo I’d say and should be DIL - Duaghter in Law

…so how do these vaccine sceptics suggest we are going to get out of this, live on another planet like they seem to be doing.
Words fail me

Not that I have seen, the common assumption is that it is needed in UK because of the horrifying figures (much worse than here it would seem) and that it is being done at speed with a lot of PR work in order to bolster the government’s popularity .
There’s a bit of mild admiration (ah mais ils se débrouillent mieux que nous!) but I am afraid we are mostly cynical vis-à-vis the rosbifs :grin:


I have my rdv for 1st dose vaccine tomorrow and don’t need a doctor’s prescription. I actually saw my GP on Friday and checked.

Personally I think France’s slow burn strategy is working well with the French culture. My pilates class this morning several who had said there was no way they would have it have now changed their minds - and expressed slight jealousy that I had rdv (take my disease and you can take my rdv…).

And not just my pilates people, the latest poll I saw said that % of French who now wanted a vaccine had increased. It was 42%, and is now 55%.

Yes I wish it were faster, but this is something that is going to have to happen every year so changing people’s attitudes here is critical for the long term.


I used Doctolib on Friday and - given I’m in the next age group of 65 plus - was lucky enough to get both my first and 2nd appointments for vaccination in mid Feb and mid March respectively. That’s for Bordeaux.

I guess there’s variations dependent on your location and when you try the different sites from sante.fr / your GP / Doctolib et al.

These next couple of weeks will be crucial to get the roll-out upto speed given the supplies available and what may happen at the end of the month when Pfizer reduce the deilveries. But then hopefully back to the projected deliveries ( or more perhaps ? ) in February.

I know of quite a few people ( over 75s ) who are booked in today and this week.


Trust the british to massage the figures! So this great progress is in fact only half a vaccine. So in 12 weeks they can proudly announce that they have vaccinated X million…when if they had followed timetable recommended by the labs the figure should actually be half that.