Do we still need a Controle Technique?

Will start with a Thank You to those who helped me feel more confident in getti g back to our house in the Vendee smoothly.
It all went well, we were so happy that a neighbour had cleaned right through and even put flowers on the table!
We are here for a month.
In the garage was our trusty but filthy dirty car, sad and forgotten in these 2 years.
My husband finally fired it up, has cleaned it and it is now purring away!
One problem…now no Controle Technique.
Pain but we are thinking…does it need one?!
Is it exempt.
We have ran it for 18yrs on our trips here.
It is a Peugeot 205…almost 38 years old.

Any facts or ideas please. I read one place a car needs to be before 1960 but on another place it has over 30 years old.

Thank you.

Your car does require a control technique, but be aware, in France the car has to have a valid control techniqe if driven on the road. In the UK if you have a lapsed Mot you can drive the car to the test centre if you have proof of an appointment. This is not the case in France. On another point if you are not a French resident you cannot legally have a French registered car at your holiday home.

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Thank you Charles, that puts us right on the initial question then! We were aware would have had to get it towed there.
On the second point…this has been somethingbon this site that was discussed loads ages ago…very different views and it brought up too much conflict with others…not us!!
We checked and checked again, through both insurer and broker…verbally then got write it clearly etc…that yes we can…and have (still are) insured for the french registered car here) .
Hope this won’t set it off again!
Guess we just put it on Le Bon Coin for parts…as think it might be useful to someone.

CT every 2 years for the normal vehicle… which yours is, obviously.
Contact your local centre and get a date/time for the new CT test.
Mention why it is out of date… and you could be OK to drive straight there, armed with the paper showing appointment.

If your Tester is adamant you are not able to drive to his centre, you’ll need to get the car collected… hoping it will not come to that.

Meanwhile, make sure you are up to date with vehicle insurance.

(You are possibly thinking about the rules which govern certain vehicles specifically registered as classic/collection …
Pre 1960= CT at point of sale, post 1960= CT every 5 years.)

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I think Stella may be right if you have an Attestation de RDV. I have just booked my car in, wasn’t able to get an appointment tomorrow but have got on for Thursday (tomorrow is the ‘due’ day). I made the booking then it asked if I wanted an atttestation which I have duely printed off and will keep in the car with me on the way to the RDV.


I didn’t want to sound too sure about this… as things can and do change…

but my classic car is overdue (covid and breakdown) and my guy said I would be alright just to chug along to his Station… on the day itself… probably next Spring… :hugs:

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I won’t fret at all about my one day over then :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: we had the 9th in our head but of course it was 08/09 so left it too late!

I have to make an appointment according to the weather and also for when my chap (The Boss) is on-site.
Won’t take my little gem out in bad weather and won’t let anyone but The Boss check it over…

Having said that, we’ve been caught in horrendous storms and come through unscathed, but it’s not something I actively yearn for… :wink:

Meteo France will tell me which Spring day I should choose…

I’m sure you have said but what car have you got?

Good, I wouldn’t get rid of your car, particularly if you have those written letters. I think it is one of those laws that may be written down but don’t actually apply! I’ve NEVER heard of anyone being told to get rid of their car / fined.

Sunbeam :hugs:

I’m sorry that means nothing to me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: can I have a pic pretty please Stella??!

nope… you’ve already got one on the Free VAAP Salon thread… :wink: :rofl:

:relaxed: :relaxed: oh OK I will go and look! :rofl: :rofl:

@Charles_Field are you sure about this, if so there must be several thousand people breaking the law

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If that’s true, then many thousands of owners of holiday homes in France have been breaking the law.

I also think that this is the case.

@anon90504988 is the normal source for this topic - perhaps he can confirm.

Not wishing to get drawn into a big debate over this, I will try to answer briefly.

Those who look for a specific law that says that holiday home owners or visitors are not allowed will not find one.

The control is due to the use of the word “domicile”. I know that there are quite a few dictionary definitions but when the french authorities use it “domicile” refers to your principal residence of which most of us have only one.
If you live in Croydon but own a property in Normandy for holidays & weekend breaks, your principal residence is in Croydon.
So, when you look at the government guides in their original language you will see that one of the documents you need to show is proof of domicile (not “adresse” or “residence”) & goes on to say that an EDF bill or similar will do. Of course, second home owners will have one of these but to use it as proof of domicile would be untrue when it is only proof of the address of your second home. At the prefecture it was expected that the applicant would be honest & as 99.9% of those registering a car DID live full-time in France there would be no need to question the applicant - even if the person on the desk was aware of the difference. The result is that the registration would go through.
Technology has moved & prefectures no longer directly handle applications as it is all dealt with online.
In order to access the Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés (National Agency for Secure Documents, as in not handed out like confetti) you need to live here which means that you declare income, you are in the french healthcare system or are registered for social security. These organisations put you on the INSEE database, similar to the UK Electorial Roll, so most second home owners will not have these so direct access would be denied making registration of a car impossible.
This also applies to new arrivals though, so it this instance it is possible to use a third party to access ANTS. The third party has to make a declaration to ANTS though, & some either do not understand or possibly care what consequences they might face in the future. This is the declaration" Rimmer Mark certifie sur l’honneur s’être assuré(e) que FARAGE NIGEL est bien domicilié(e) à la nouvelle adresse renseignée et s’engage à mettre à disposition, sur demande des services du ministère de l’intérieur, toute pièce le justifiant." & the rule which should prevent honest people doing something they shouldn’t - “J’ai bien pris connaissance que “les fausses déclarations et l’usage de fausses déclarations sont punis de 3 ans d’emprisonnement et de 45 000 euros d’amende”, article 441-1 du code pénal. Je certifie notamment que les informations renseignées relatives au régime de propriété du véhicule sont exactes.”

The requirements are therefore clear & being from the UK or owning the property does not bestow any special treatment - a french person cannot register his car to his second home (which may well be in a more expensive tax zone than his principal residence, in case someone wants to bring up the feeble “registration tax” saving theory), an Italian can’t ( Q & A " I am Italian and every year I take a 3-month holiday in my second home in the French Alps, travelling by car. Can I register my car in France?

NO — You can only register your car in the country where you are permanently resident.) so why would the Brits be exempt?

On the point of the all important use of the word “domicile” This made interesting reading
" Amended by Order n°2020-1733 of 16 December 2020 - art. 4

The election of domicile is granted for a limited period. It is renewable by right and may only be terminated under the conditions set out in Article L. 264-5.

The communal or inter-communal social action centres and the approved organisations will provide the persons concerned with a certificate of election of domicile stating the date of expiry.

The certificate of election of domicile may not be issued to a person who is not a national of a Member State of the European Union, another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation, who is not in possession of one of the residence permits provided for in Title II of Book IV of the Code on the Entry and Residence of Foreigners and the Right of Asylum, unless he or she is applying for the State medical aid mentioned in Article L. 251-1 of the present code, legal aid pursuant to the third or fourth paragraphs of Article 3 of Law No. 91-647 of 10 July 1991 relating to legal aid or the exercise of civil rights recognised by law.

In accordance with Article 20 of Order No. 2020-1733 of 16 December 2020, these provisions come into force on 1 May 2021"


Wow…thank you Mark!! Ok all of this has put the fear of god into me…don’t want any arrests, I am the last person to knowibgly take a risk luke this, I don’t think that will happen as no control technique and won’t take it out the garage…so will now need to pay for it to be collected and scrapped…sad!

We have checked and checked this over the years with credit agricole and the insurers, they have been informed of our situation and regularly just post all the car insurance stuff ‘green tabs’ certificates etc to us in England.

They are fully aware we don’t live in France.
I demanding a refund for the 20 yrs they have ‘insured’ us wrongly!

Thanks anyway.

If you’ve had 20 years’ worth use of the car, insured and all, you’ve done OK. I suppose the matter of “emprisonnement et de 45 000 euros d’amende” would have arisen in the event of an accident and claim.

Looks like you’ve gone straight before anything awful has occurred.