Does your cat have cat-itude?

Indi is a very handsome fellow and he knows it!!!! His look tells everything: he is in charge and you must all comply!

And of course my 3 cats have cat-itude! Each one in its own way - but they definitely run the show in our household :-)))

Ahhh - brings back lovely memories ... Ben used to love bed making time! Yeah, right, of course there's no human encouragement at all!!!

Please don't encourage Indi - so called as we think his date of birth was around 4th July!

He is such a cuddly chap too, but very much top-cat of our bunch (that includes us humans!) Just this morning, my hubbie was trying to get dressed and all I could hear was "Get off, Indi", those are my socks!!!

His favourite, favourite time is the making of a new bed, it is cat playtime heaven for him as he chases the fly away sheets!!! I don't think we encourage him - not a lot!!!

Indi is so gorgeous - very regal :-) I know exactly what you mean by cat-itude!! Our 4 have varying degrees of it - and all at different times too!

Indi is so beautiful that he deserves all his cat-itude!

Zorro has more than his fair share of cat-itude as well. I keep telling him I'm a Leo and he's a guest but he just ignores me... till suppertime! lol