Driving license exchange

sorry which site is that. I thought Kim only operated via Facebook which as a matter of principle i won’t use,

I can’t find topic titled British outreach meeting…put it in search no result…is that the exact title

Go to menu symbol top right of your screen, click to get drop down options. Click on users and use filter to search for Kim Cranstoun and you can send her a private message.

And this is the other post

Much appreciated jane, I will follow up…
Over the last 18 months we have navigated all the setup arrangements, tax, health, car re-reg reasonably OK without too much stress…but it looks like driving licence is going to be elephan in the room…and be the real stress maker, my d-day for getting a French one is mid August. Nail biter.

Jane, i now see having looked through the Embassy Outreach post that you placed it, do you know of any updates from them or when they might hold another one ? And update on D licence negotiations ?

There’s another of their online outreach meetings today, John @strudball - you could sign up (free) and attend it if you feel strong enough :smiley: That’s the only recent onfo we are likely to get today…

Thanks, but only saw this comment this morning…so missed it, would have signed up. Does anybody know if D/L were mentioned?

They most certainly were, @strudball . I think @JaneJones may be preparing a summary of the event but the gist on the licences was that it was the absolute top of the agenda of discussions between the embassy and the French Interior Ministry. Progress had been made but they weren’t there yet. The spokesperson said that she wanted to be as frank as she could and therefore couldn’t give a date but that it was now looking like a delay of days/weeks and not weeks/months.

So thats a bit encouraging news, though we shouldn’t count chickens until

No definitely not BUT I was quite impressed with the lass who was giving the information - it was her area and was clearly pushing things hard…

Except for the thorny issue of whether you can drive if 4b has expired (photocard) rather than the whole licence (11). I think Kim Cranstoun is perhaps a better source of advice that the Embassy. See attached screen shot.

That’s very interesting @JaneJones … however, for me (and I think others of a “certain age”) the date on 4b and 11 are identical :frowning:

Yes, just pointing out this mess isn’t just of immediate concern to the more mature amongst us. Lots of people of all ages who have been here for a while now have expired photo cards. And if one just went ahead and renewed now, as well as risking problems with the DVLA, there was an interesting exchange on FB about ANTs querying the mismatch of dates (ie I am covered by withdrawal agreement as resident before 31/12/20, but licence issued August 2021).

And of course everyone who still has a UK licence will be in the doo-doo at the end of the year.

Ah yes - that makes sense! We are indeed “all in it together”… sigh…

But in practical terms that will only be an issue if you get stopped, commit an offence or have an accident.

And your insurance company? Will they payout?


Who knows, bit like driving round in a UK reg car for years.

I thought that one had already been sorted - they won’t. In our local area, the Gendarmes are seemingly cracking down on this outrage… to which @Rocam has already reported.

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