Drought - la Secheresse - WildFires 2022

In a way it was refreshing to see how difficult it was to get out, but at least I know how I can if needs be, and I now see it would be almost impossible for someone else to get in, at least not without an enormous effort which I think is the greatest deterrent!

That did cross my mind, and I was tempted, but thought I might be up half the night and was a little concerned about the fridge freezer. The ideal would be if my meter and main breaker were in my house and not at the end of a 150m drive :roll_eyes: which I think would be rather costly to relocate.

Yes @letsmile , I was thinking of you when I saw the huge amount of lightning near Beziers. Not sure where you are in 34 but it was so large it looked as though it would get you no matter where you were :zap::cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:
@SuePJ’s picture was about 1 hour after I looked, and it looks even more dramatic that what I saw.

It well and truly did get me! I’ve owned the house for a number of years but only lived in it permanently since Brexit, and this was the first time I’d experienced such a storm - scary :scream: And looking at the forecast, looks like more tmrw…seatbelts on!

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But the silver lining is that it is really nice and cool now :+1::+1::+1:


Storm here too (47) - and more importantly, LOTS of rain. Underground water tank and water butts filling up nicely. :slight_smile:


Here in La Manche

Thunder, lightning, very heavy rain.

All water butts full.

I am a much relieved man

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A 2metre gate is only a deterrent for removing large items, doesn’t stop a burglar nipping in for your valuables.

My general idea is to make it more difficult to access my place versus others, so would be burglars move on for an easier target elsewhere. Realistically, the simplest method for someone to actually get into my place now would probably be through the roof, but even that would be difficult and time consuming, and need a degree of acrobatic skill! A little bit sad that one has to be so conscious, but it’s not that much of a trade off for being able to live in a very peaceful, and tranquil location, with marvellous views :+1:

LOL In a lot of places,the gates would be gone too!


PO - not a sausage regarding rain, still hot and very very dry but remarkably green in many places considering.

I assumed you were somewhere with problems!! We live in a peaceful tranquil location where people still leave doors unlocked. The advantage of not having walls and gates is that everything is open to view which also deters anyone with bad intentions.

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No, it’s not somewhere with problems, fortunately. On the contrary, it’s a very peaceful safe area, but the issue is normally during the holiday period when there is a mass of vacationers and transient folks visiting the area, like grape pickers I’ve been told. Leaving somewhere completely open tends to invite the unwanted and the opportunists unfortunately, so always taken the view, better safe than sorry, and so far at least, it’s served me well… touching wood and long may it continue :grinning: I’ve worked in many many countries and maybe that’s made me a little more security conscious than most.

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An anti-rom trope perhaps?

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That’s a little too subtle for me Jane :blush:

Details can be read on the following pdf

Rain, Hail and heaven knows what… possibly bringing an end to the drought, but many water restrictions are still in place, so check locally…

I wish, I wish, I wish. :pray:

So often over the last weeks we have watched the storms swing north of us or turn east along the Lot. It’s just dire. The heat I can live with but not the complete lack of rain. It’s wretched watching my garden die. And even worse now as there are strong winds with the heat. 36 yesterday late afternoon - in September ffs!

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Same here, they’ve been tracking east or west of us. Until last Wednesday when it RAINED! Just in time to save the remaining 50 fish, out of about 1,000. But not in time for quite a lot in the garden.

It will happen for you too….

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Still water shortages around… 14th October