EHIC card and NHS 'cover'

From my experience John, if you work in France up to your retirement date then France remains your competent state for healthcare. I had a friend who had worked most of her life in the UK but spent the last 8 years or so working in France. She was part of the French healthcare system while working, as you would expect, and remained so once she retired about 12 years ago. It’s briefly mentioned here too under the heading Working in France, you have to scroll down a bit.
Izzy x


I’ll have a quick look at that Izzy, thanks. If that’s the case it’s bit like pass the parcel or musical chairs.

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When were you last in the UK and seeking medical treatment? Things are much tighter now. I have had to go to doctors & specialists in the UK in last couple of years and each time I am asked whether I qualify for free treatment under the NHS. There are big signs up over reception desks. As I am now a state pensioner I do qualify, but before that as a non-resident I didn’t.

You have to be a state pensioner and holding an S1.

Backs up what I thought, I’m the only one with a national insurance number in our family but that’s obviously of no use now so we’re all French tourists on French ehic cards when we visit, and soon we’ll need passports too, not just id cards :open_mouth: still it’s only once a year or everyother year but something we’ll have to get round to!

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Why holding an S1? Surely the critical element is that you are a state pensioner which proves you have paid your quota of NI contributions, and that are therefore entitles you to free NHS care like every other state pensioner.?

You have to present the S1 for treatment. You could be in receipt of a UK OAP - but if you also worked in France after working in the UK then France could be your competent state for healthcare and you would not be entitled to an S1

Yes if France is your competent state then you are not entitled to an S1. But does that really mean the benefits you have accrued from a working like paying NI count for nothing?

I had to visit a hospital a while back in UK. I was asked if I was entitled. I said yes. No further questions and no proof demanded… but then it was a London hospital and I have a strong London accent.

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My thoughts exactly.
What proof if any is a british resident asked for?
Not sure that this precious S1 that so many covet is the only passport to UK health treatment .
Having paid into the UK national insurance system enough to be given a full UK pension the Surely have paid the premium so can have UK treatment if I was there.
My OAP is my right as is my nationality as my passport proves.
I have no intention of returning to the UK but my bet is I could get an eye test for free by simply being economical with the truth and providing a UK address.
Late evening thoughts :rofl::rofl:

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Woke up this morning to see 3 emails from UK government advising of the current situation.
I have looked through the section for UK health care should I be visiting the UK which reads:

Prove you are eligible for free healthcare

The first time you have treatment anywhere in the NHS you will need to bring proof that you are eligible for free healthcare. You should bring at least two of the following documents:

Residence in the UK

  • Proof of your purchase of property or a tenancy agreement
  • Recent utility or council tax bill payment
  • UK bank account showing recent UK activity

Employment status

  • Payslip or letter from employer
  • Bank statement
  • Unique tax reference number
  • Documentation from your local job centre to show that you are receiving job-seekers allowance

You can also use documents that prove you no longer live abroad. For example, paperwork to show that you have:

  • sold or rented your house in your previous country of residence
  • terminated employment or studies in your previous country of residence
  • shipped goods or transferred assets to the UK
  • ended insurance policies and utility contracts

Emergency treatment

If you need A&E services, this will always be free and you will not be asked to show that you live here unless you go to hospital for further treatment.

Seems I can fulfill the requirements even though I have no intention of returning there neither on a temporary or permanent basis.

  1. l can produce proof of property purchase
  2. I can produce a unique tax reference number as I have to declare uk rental income each year.
    I understand that not everyone will be able to fit the criteria but for me its job sorted.
    Next time I visit the UK I will make sure I have these docs with me :grin:

Well i can’t do any of those but we’ll all be on french ehic but not sure they’ll work now. In any case, my OH has already said she doesn’t want to go to the uk again :rofl:

I have lived permenantly in France for 23 yrs and have an S1 And carte vitale.I have orderred an Ehic card on Line and it has never arrived. Please can someone show me a link as to which website we should be using for ordering à post Brexit EHIC as i think i need to reapply. Thanks.

Thank you Stella i reapplied tonight as they say the card got lost in the post and they will send me a duplicate.

Have you applied since November 2020 on the NHSBSA website, Anne?

If so, the link is here to the site which issues the new post-Brexit EHIC-E :

I’d heard nothing since applying on 9/11/20 despite their confirmation email stating I would have the card by 31/12/20.

I phoned them earlier today (+44 191 218 1999) to ask whether anything had changed for we S1 holders since the new system went online in November 2020, with the subsequent apparent change of mind in December when the GHIC was announced, and holders were told their current EHIC would last until expiry.

The helpful chap confirmed that my application made on 9/11/20 was in hand and that we would be receiving the new card. However, there is a big backlog and he couldn’t offer a date of arrival. The reference number on my confirmatory email of 9/11/20 did indeed match up with my S1 details so it’s just a matter of waiting, I think :slightly_smiling_face:

Whoops, our posts crossed -seems you have it hand :+1:

Thank you for your application for a new UK European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

We have reviewed your application and have found that you have already applied for a UK EHIC.

This has previously been issued to you. Therefore, we will not process this application as you can only be issued with one UK EHIC.

I have never received the card so will recontact them today.

Is there a box to tick… for a “lost card” … ??? just at thought…

Stella i just emailed them on to tell them the card never arrived.

Fingers crossed.

Envoyé par BlueMail

all these hiccups can be very worrying… but I’m sure it’ll get sorted eventually.

You’re not intending to travel at the moment… are you ??? :wink: :wink:

No not travelling now but will be as soon as its possible.
My email just bounced back with that email address so still not résolved.