European roots

@Veronique OK Vero i have got the hang of what you do i will probably try that on 1/my OH dont think it will work but just for the joke 2/ Try it on my grandchildren ,maybe it will work .

I do some impressive and effective wart throwing away :wink:

@Veronique Great Vero I have a wart on my hand for a looooonngg time, must get rid of it.
Can you do that by telepathy :open_mouth:

It was a poorly wordedā€¦going off on too many tangents in one small paragraph reply that eventually came into land completelyā€¦ off topicā€¦! My badā€¦! Thing is even our recent history is written by the winners of war and then re-taught without questionā€¦we are born onto this amazing planet for a short timeā€¦we take over guardianship of earth from those who have gone before and currently many are now horrified that everything here at this time seems harnessed to an economic valueā€¦right down to the last drop of waterā€¦Could we have lived many times before and this time round feel an urgent ancestral calling in our DNA to reclaim our planetā€¦??? Possiblyā€¦If we have been lied to about our recent history then how much more difficult is it to truly know our ancient historyā€¦even the word history has me wondering where Her-Story fits into it allā€¦ x :slight_smile:

The issue is keeping homeopathy available to those who cannot afford to payā€¦

I donā€™t think I have ever said that homeopathy can be used in place of surgery for traumatic injury (although it would aid wound healing after surgery) and white phosphorus is banned for use against an innocent civilian population and is therefore a war crimeā€¦it burns through flesh and bone and is impossible to put outā€¦I canā€™t even begin to contemplate the minds that would inflict that unendurable agony on another human being many of which are childrenā€¦nor the minds that created itā€¦

I totally agree with the magic we weave as parents when we pick up a little one who has tripped over and kisses and cuddles and maybe a magic plaster can put the world to rights ā€¦but placebo in this context does not work on animalsā€¦ there is no amount of kissing and cuddling and ā€œsugar pillsā€ will for instance restore a dog suffering inflamed skin and complete hair loss back to full coat and full healthā€¦nor a pony suffering laminitis whose conventional vet has recommended put to sleep thinking there is nothing else to offerā€¦placebo does not work on animalsā€¦ Referral to a Homeopathic vet can and often does give these animals their quality of life back and restore them back to health. The issue for pet owners and farmers in the U.K. who want to reserve their rights to use homeopathy and Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) as a first line of defence for their animals is the recent statement put out by the RCVSā€¦

I think you will find it says hi story or his tory certainly not his story. I really do not understand your logic at all.

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1979 to 1989, extensive use of white phosphorus and mines against civilian population. And the rest of it. About 6 million refugees.

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I know Veroā€¦and the use of banned white phosphorous on the occupied and defenceless captive population in Gazaā€¦over half of which again are childrenā€¦not to mention the exploding bullets designed to do as much as much damage as possible to the human bodyā€¦tested first on livestockā€¦and on the corpses of peopleā€™s loved ones who may not be able to afford the cost of burial or cremation and who without informed consent agree to leave their moms and dadā€™s and siblings bodies to medical researchā€¦and resulting in these abhorrent weapons used in real time against defenceless living populationsā€¦who in hell conceives ofā€¦designsā€¦gets a patent forā€¦and brings to market such atrocitiesā€¦???

I suppose you are up to speed with the current fashion. Why believe those who are knowledgable and do research? What do they know? Facts? Who needs them when youā€™ve got a good conspiracy theory or several hundred. Your ramblings are predictable yet carry no weight.

And for Snake Oil salesmen and of course the Royal Family.

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Current fashion in what contextā€¦??? Iā€™ve spent the last 2 months in thermalsā€¦combats over a pair of leggingsā€¦a long woolly jumperā€¦a woolly cardiā€¦a fleece lined zip up hoodieā€¦hat scarf gloves 3 pairs of socks and welliesā€¦Anyone seeing me in Super-U or at our local market is unlikely to think Iā€™m any great follower of fashionā€¦:slight_smile:


Iā€™m not sure David was talking about clothes.:wink:


Timothy, I rather think that Helen6 is more than aware that David Martin wasnā€™t referring to clothes, and Iā€™m surprised that you missed her rather obvious, good-humoured, and kindly point, which I understood to mean that she was not willing to retaliate in kind, but wanted to signal that she will not be easily and discourteously put down for her legitimate and lightly-held opinions, based on her valid embodied experience.

David Martin also expresses valuable opinions on matters where his personal and carefully weighed experience shines through. It is possible for us all to discuss things constructively, and even humorously, teasingly, and strongly without impugning each otherā€™s integrity. Iā€™m trying to do so here, learning from many others who are exemplars of the art. You know who you are :innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent:, and I salute you. :heart_eyes:


Thanks Peter, I wasnā€™t sure whether Helen realised David was pulling her leg so I thought Iā€™d make it a bit clearer, she is away with the fairies most of the time as Iā€™m sure youā€™ll agree.


Iā€™m no great fan of snake oil salesmen nor the royals nor any purported king or queen of anywhereā€¦Admittedly I am a fan of homeopathy and CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine)ā€¦:slight_smile:

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Away with the Fairiesā€¦how cute is that!
Please Tim do not collect an army together.


Iā€™ve not heard that expression in a whileā€¦lolā€¦not since I was little and not since many years later one of my daughters was considering naming her business ā€œA Way With The Faeriesā€ ā€¦witch is synchronistic in as much as many moons later I find myself in Brittany and ā€œfaerieā€ is derived from old Frenchā€¦x :slight_smile:

In relation to the discussion of ā€œfactsā€ and ā€œscienceā€ and ā€œscientific factsā€ and ā€œhypothesisā€ and ā€œtheorisingā€ā€¦weā€™re all different in what we perceive as ā€œrealā€ and ā€œtruthā€ā€¦at the risk of going completely off topic or maybe not as he covers megalithic structures and how even today we do not have the technology or cranes capable of moving these monumental weightsā€¦and possibly explaining our notion of ā€œkingsā€ and ā€œqueensā€ā€¦this is an old discussion with Zecharia Sitchin before he left physicalā€¦I really enjoyed his books in my younger daysā€¦Fascinatingā€¦Feel free to ignoreā€¦x :slight_smile: - YouTube