*Everyone* is a potential Covid Spreader

I don’t know what’s more amusing,the masks reducing oxygen sats by 20 %. Or the virus climbing the nerves from your nose to your brain

We do need to remember that frequent hand washing and or use of sanitising hand gel is essential to help prevent the spread of C19

Or, cynically, the amount of money to be made out of Non-science (nonsense)!

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I was wondering where all the dead health care professionals are ? If they have dropped their sats so badly surely they have died?

Why is this amusing or improbable, Eddie?

Many viruses have an affinity for nerve tissue e.g. herpes, poliomyelitis.

The cranial nerve I (olfactory) is the first to emerge from the base of the brain and serves the olfactory bulb in the upper vault of the nose, closest to the brain. The nerve of smell. Loss of smell and taste is a cardinal sign of Covid 19.

I don’t pretend to have the slightest knowledge of these things, but neither of them sound the slightest bit amusing.
Obviously yet again, I am missing the point?

Although to be fair it was more a mental picture I got than the actual physiology
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Right Peter I am going to hold my hand up here I probably wasn’t thinking about it it depth enough,and you are right,it makes perfect sense it could track to the brain
I am still amused at the oxygen quote though

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Just the bad joke, that that a retired, discredited medical practitioner now earns more money than ever spreading misinformation on the Internet.
But having spelled it out, it probably wasn’t that funny. . . . . :confused: :confused: :confused:

Perhaps more funny peculiar than Ha! Ha!

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No need to cringe. I was referring to people who are well as it clearly states in my post. I was not referring to those who are exempted such as your Mum.

Except it’s not about individuals but about society. You wear a mask to protect others not yourself.

If people want to put themselves at risk then that’s fine with me but if they put at risk the lives of me and my family then that is definitely not fine with me.

She probably struggles with oxygen levels when moving about anyway, with or without a mask. She should try using the oximeter with and without a mask and see if there is a difference. The problem for people with poor lung function is the psychological effect of wearing a mask as covering your noise and mouth can bring on the feelings of panic that can exacerbate breathlessness and oxygen levels.

Another alternative for her is a thin scarf. If she fears being singled out even though she is exempt then a scarf will prevent that. They are very easy to breath through and also don’t fog up the glasses.
Izzy x


I have only been to Cluny twice since the 9th March.
Once was for the dentist and, obviously you can’t wear a mask when they are looking into your mouth.
If she has an exemption then she will be OK.
She can wear a visor.
Why are you making such a fuss about it?

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this must be a worrying time for you…

I reckon that anyone who needs to use a walking frame, will not be expected to be seen walking about the place at the moment… with or without a mask…

If your mother has to go somewhere… I presume/hope that transport arrangements can be made for her.

Does you Mother have homehelp… that sort of thing ?? I hate the thought of her struggling to do some of the more complicated things necessary in the home, let alone going shopping.

keep smiling…


Here is the latest on the mandatory wearing of masks. Court judgement at STRASBURG on the 25th Mai 2020 no : 2003058 Avocat Francis Hoar -judgement found not be mandatory.

The latest on Covid airborne transmission:

Good article Nigel. This paragraph by far the most important.

The findings re-emphasise the importance of short-range Covid transmission, with physical distancing and mask-wearing likely to be the most effective means of preventing infection.

I’ve always found the French struggle with the idea of social distancing. Personally, I’m only too happy to keep wearing a mask and to leave a gap of 2 metres from the nearest individual.

Agreed…good article, very interesting.

I think mask wearing outdoors is just bloody stupid as the risks are so low; otherwise it should be mandatory in indoor public spaces except, I suppose, restaurants when people are eating.

Anyone remember this?:

Everyone* is a potential Covid Spreader
Yes, but apparently not more so than then those triple vaxed?

Easy. Arrive wearing a mask. Greet fellow diners wearing a mask. Talk through the menu with the waiter wearing a mask. Go to the loo wearing a mask. Pay at the till wearing a mask. Only remove mask to eat.