Facebook killed my account

Not much use to you, but for anybody else stumbling over this thread

it is possible to back up your facebook, so even if/when they cut you off for whatever whim, you haven't lost the contacts


The fan page is the accepted way to promote a community like SFN, that is not the violation.

It would certainly be easy to set it all up again using a new account, the problem is I have spend hundreds of hours and over a thousand euros gathering these 6000 fans of the page. I can't even contact them to tell them what happened!

further to my last comment... surely a GROUP would be easy to set up??

James, FB is like the silly cliché of a woman in that, you will never be told what you did wrong, and in the end, not be given an explanation, and be so happy to have it back that you will try not to rock the boat, and so not ask any questions. It took about 4 or 5 months before someone from abuse@facebook.com mailed back asking for a valid driving licence, and another week before confirming that I am, in fact, ME, and then all I got was something along the lines of "we have now established that the account does belong to you". I do, however recall getting another mail from facebook during the mess, from another address saying i'd had my account shut down because of a picture I'd added.

Is it possible they're trying to clamp down on accounts not actually representing one person?? Google will not apparently let you have an account using anything other than your own name.

Good luck with hearing back from them...sadly organisations this big not good on the one to one....I know when I lost my hotmail due to hacking....it took 6 months as they didnt believe Carol Norwell wasnt a 20 year old Korean man!!!! as far as being a US company.....I might have agreed with Nicks comment at one time....but living in France initially....MacDonalds saved our lives..with their free wifi....when French Telecom truly mucked us about for months...the American ability to provide a good customer services experience kept me sane!

They have not said what I did to violate their terms yet, I'm still waiting to hear back from them.

do you know what terms you violated? was it perceived as an advertising document? never really read the conditions...but we have an apartment which has a facebook page (we rent it out...) and I havent had any probs with it....

@ Nick, I agree with you.

The bit about the free video conferencing on G + sounds really useful. Thanks.

I have to say Facebook are beginning to lose all credibility, and I suspect it is a fad that will drop from regular use in the future for a lot of us. I know I have stopped using it as much as I once did and have moved over to using Twitter and G+ far more.

Maybe thats the answer, just switch to G+ and we can all ignore Facebook, I know it would not cause me any hardship. You also get free group video conferencing, which might be useful to the group.

Being dictated to by an American company really sticks in my claw, and this is just another reason to use it less.

Have seen your email re petition and have duly signed with appropriate comment. Let's hope enough people sign and you are duly reinstated. There is no obligation to donate - just proceed with no details.

Oh dear. I do pity any poor soul hacking my accounts for juicy information. Including the unknown people from California and Rochester who have showed up as logging into my facebook account. Once they've waded through my updates on Phoebe's potty training and tantrums they'll be able to check out what I have cooked for dinner. On the bright side it should deter any thieves or kidnappers from coming anywhere close!

Lis and Jeannine

This is the page you are taken to once you have signed, unless you click proceed to next step and login to PayPal I can't see how you have been charged. Just check your PayPal account if you are concerned.

I would appreciate if you could confirm one way or the other here as both of your comments will put people off signing the petition.



But you do NOT have to pay - just click but do not give your credit card details - it really does work

Apparently you have chosen another internet monster ipetitions to battle the internet monster Facebook.I also signed the petition and when I tried to exit the page it the automatically made that into an automatic donation of $25...they have my name and email and if they process this money from paypal without my explicit agreement am going to be very angry as I am counting pennies to survive as it is.

Hi there - I just signed the partition, and even before I agreed to donate any money - I
was told thanks for donating 25$ - WHAT - I’m really p… off, as I have no idea how this happened - how the do I contact them - that a mistake has been done?

Grrr… :frowning:

Hi there - I just signed the partition, and even before I agreed to donate any money - I
was told thanks for donating 25$ - WHAT - I’m really p… off, as I have no idea how this happened - how the do I contact them - that a mistake has been done?

Grrr… :frowning:

Just home from work, petition signed. although FB won't respond to petitions, there's hundreds of actual petition pages about lost accounts on facebook itself!

I really hope it gets back up though. How can an underpaid youngster decide what is right or wrong in another culture anyway? It stands to reason then, that there are "dead baby jokes", and people applauding animal cruelty pages left up, but pages that support mothers who breastfeed, or similar are shut down>

Petition 'signed'

Good luck


Snoopy Facebook

@ Gabrielle

Heehehe :-) Don't we all!