Facebook killed my account

Thanks Jacqueline :)

I'm still expecting to get my account back, they requested photo ID which I have sent so looks promising. This is presumably a confirmation from them that my account was hacked.

This is appalling, I've just set up second admin's on my fb pages to avoid this happening and put a warning on my fb to all my friends who have pages that they should set up a second admin. Will you set up again on fb James?

Did you see my question to you on page 4 Jeannine?

oh I see now..there is the "stop following option to click just below here..duh.

Sigh. Now I am getting flooded with emails in my box every time someone comments ever since I made an small and rare comment.Is there away to change the settings so this doesn't happen..so that I can choose to look on the website if I want to see the comments without them arriving as emails.

If you have a Facebook page (by that I mean a business page or group etc), I suggest you add someone else as an admin, that way if you lose your personal account the page will remain active. I had not done this, if I had the SFN FB page would still be live now despite my account having been deactivated.

oh geez! You just can't win can you! Stupid FB!

Thanks Livi, watch out, having two account is a breach of their terms.

This is actually partly why I have 2 accounts: so that if they close one my pages wont go down because there are 2 page owners.

I can't image why they'd close it. I hate FB anyway to be honest! Google+ is the way forward if you ask me. I hope they reinstate it though. Have signed the petition

Thanks James...doh...so simple why didn't I even try that??

Thanks Maria :)

Just type www.survivefrance.com into you browser.

Signed and just hope you are re-instated...is there another way besides email links to get on SFN?? Sorry for my ignorance...

I've signed the petition. Good luck with a) finding out why and b) getting the page back. I started using Dispora - it may not have all the functionality yet, but at least no-one else owns my data! Oh, and the ipetitions payment page can just be ignored; the petition is signed and you don't need to continue to PayPal login page (just close the window).

They simply don't care about small fry like us :(



I don't like mentioning this, but, do you have any guarantee that FB will not do this to you again if you manage to have your page reinstated?

I have hopefully signed the petition but as I refused to either allow ipetitions access all my info, email me or post on my page plus refusing to donate to ipetitions am wondering whether my signature will count - I truly hope so.

I watched a program about someone trying to delete their own page and they spent an inordinate amount of time as each contact and photo has to be deleted separately with confirmation of the suppression - a huge operation apparently which not many undertake - but of course the powers that be can delete a page with a simple click!

Good luck getting it back up and running

@Nick Aurelius

"just switch to G+ ....Being dictated to by an American company really sticks in my claw"
