Fantasy British Prime Minister

Survive France members who post and comment on Brexit and all manner of other topics have made their opinions clear in various forms while others will read topics and in doing so get a flavour of member’s characters and beliefs but chose to keep their own counsel.

Given that the vast majority of Survive France members are native British or have had affiliations with Britain at some point in their life now is an ideal time to conduct a Straw Poll.

The next British Prime Minister is soon to be chosen by a closed group membership so as with the fantasy football game in which you set up your fantasy team, which SF member would you nominate as your next Fantasy British Prime Minister and who would you nominate to serve in their cabinet?

That has cheered me up! I couldn’t think of anything worse than the likely future UK cabinet and now I’m totally distracted by an alternative nightmare version, imagining those who could be far worse than the meagre selection in the conservative party! (I am not limiting myself to SFN)

Liam Gallagher tweeted that he’d be prepared to sort the mess out given the chance.
But, given the candidates at our disposal, if I were a party member, I’d abstain as there is not one amongst them worth voting for.
I’d then resign from the party.

I think Catherine Higginson as pm. She has the right touch, firm when necessary but not overbearing.
Stella would obviously be minister for culture.
Peter Goble/ Nellie for health.
Vero, education.
Chancellor of the exchequer would have to be a resident expert for investment etc.
Jane Williamson as home secretary as she seems to talk a lot about the police.
Paul for technology.
Carl for foreign secretary.
I would like to be a junior minister for Stella as I want free tickets to music events.


Just realised my cabinet is mainly women.


I know you wrote Liam Gallagher (who?), but in my mind I thought - YES - Liam Neeson - with his “certain set of skills” he would sort things out in no time at all :hugs:


I wouldn’t pick anyone from SFN, the UK needs a Brexiteer as PM not a remoaner which is predominate here.:grinning:


Liam Gallagher of Oasis. Popular music group.
I think Liam Neeson is Irish, so disqualified.
However, I wouldn’t mind him finding Boris Johnson and…

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The Title does say “Fantasy…” and I am quite partial to Liam Neeson :wink::wink: and I reckon he would make a superb Fantasy… whatever :grin::grinning::blush::blush:


Each to her own!

That’s why you’re not on my list!
What the UK needs is someone brave enough to tell Brexiteers that leaving the EU is purely for the benefit of the rich and those blindly following need to give their heads a wobble.

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Nope, the UK needs someone brave enough to do what is best for the country.

And no need to fan the flames by using that stupid expression.


Some people just have no sense of humour. :grinning:

The UK either has to leave or at best have a second vote on any deal that parliament agrees to, revoking A50 will not change anything as the bitter divisions will fester on for years, people are deluded if they think Farage and co will simply get bored and go away.

Brexit is quite simply the stupidest thing the UK has ever done (and it’s done some pretty daft things over the years). The original vote was won because of the ineptitude, ignorance and downright carelessness of the Cameron government. It was far less about the EU and mostly vented frustration and anger about being left out of the South’s prosperity. Brexit won’t cure that, if anything it will make the problem worse, and those who voted for it will have cause and plenty of time to regret what they’ve done.

And, frankly, any expat residents who see value in Brexit do seriously need to seek professional help. This will impact all of us in unpleasant ways - not just in the exchange rate. and now, it seems, we have a buffoon for a PM. And so, the disintegration of the UK continues…


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Prime Minister Gareth Southgate. Deputy Phil Neville


Interesting article in The Guardian.


Oh dear, oh dearie me…:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That is really bad taste as well as a bad choice.

It’s a pretty shocking analogy I admit but perhaps I have a warped mind because it amused me.