Farage's swansong?

Cambridge :heart: voted remain. An island in a sea of leave.

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So, I am pleased to say, did Brighton my hometown, which has for a long time been very cosmopolitan, open and accepting of all nationalities and genders. :heart_eyes:


I lived in Worthing for a few years…seemed to be the polar opposite of Brighton…at that time, anyway.

My then boyfriend and I went to Brighton for a day when we were both first-year students in London in the early 70s. It started to rain and we went into the nearest pub. Turned out to be a gay pub, the very first one either of us had experienced. London was still into gay bashing at the time.
(Apologies for the non PC terminology but it’s what everyone said back then.) So yes, Brighton contributed to my education.

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I was out for a few beers on my own in Greenwich Village in 1980 and popped into crowded bar. I had to shimmy all the way down the bar to the end to find a gap to order. I noticed the female bar tender looked a bit macho and then started to look around and discovered it was a lesbian bar and there were no other males in the place. I had a moustache at the time otherwise I would have brazened out for a beer or two but instead I shimmed all the way back out of the bar. I was used to drinking in bars where gays, male and female and straights (is that a PC term anymore?) all jollied along together but the all female lesbian bar was quite intimidating.

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Hmmm, shimmying (sp) up and down the bar would have been amusing to see :rofl: :wink:
Last time I was in Brighton was to see M People (20 yrs approx) a fantastic weekend.

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Me too, born in Lancaster.

I thought it was fairly self evident.

I have attempted various replies to your comments but decided that as a yorkshireman I could never be intelligent enough to respond to a lancastrian. I shall retire to prune my white Rose’s :grin:


Well, there’s a thing.
The Classic FM 2020 countdown has at its no 2 spot…

Ode to Joy (Anthem of Europe)
So Bollocks to Brexit Doris!!


You can now get Nigel Farage to record a personal message - could be a birthday greeting etc - if you were to get the names exactly correct you could end up with hilarious results!

Someone managed to get this greeting: