'Flight Shame' - Legionella - water safety

Take it you wouldn’t go swimming then? :grin:

:joy::rofl: Since my early years, when I realized that I might be the only child who did NOT wee in the sea - I have been suspicious of “shared” water frolics. :upside_down_face::thinking:

However, if the pool is properly maintained, it should be safe - shouldn’t it ?? :zipper_mouth_face:

It should, also should be cleaner than the wash basin :rofl:

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I think urine is quite harmless, 95% sterile water (in a healthy individual) with dissolved salts and other traces produced in the liver by the metabolism of proteins. It has mild disinfectant properties and many people drink their own urine believing that is has health-giving properties.

I have given my own urine a trial quaff and found it not at all disagreeable to drink from a wine glass.

It bothers me not a jot that people pee in the swimming pool, one can IMO take such squeamishness to extremes, and no harm can come from it.

One’s digestive system is designed to cope with most adulterants and neutralise them safely and efficiently.

Down the hatch, chin-chin! :joy:

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Now that really is ‘taking the piss!’ Peter​:blush::blush:


Given how much raw sewage is still pumped out directly into the sea worldwide I think you”re probably better off in a swimming pool someone has peed in.

Fortunately, there are 290 Blue Flag spots around France.

This is the information for 2019 - with a table identifying those 290 beaches etc.


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You are right Peter.
It is just the thought of people peeing in their swimming water that turns them off.
Apart from the treatment of the water, sunlight will also act to keep the pool safe.


I wonder how many readers may be tempted to raise a glass of chilled Cuvée Sa Propre Pisse Propre 2019 in celebration?

Go on, I dare you! :yum:

I’ll stick to Chardonnay or Saint Bris :wine_glass: or a glass of Irish :tumbler_glass::sunglasses:


How so? Is sunlight keeping the water safe?

Sunlight /UV releases the chlorine from the water, and its mainly the chlorine that keeps the water safe.

It’s elementary John,
no sunlight ever again, every freezes over & everything dies. I used to be good at doing the Sun crossword puzzles.

Sunlight can destroy bacteria.

The bacteria killing frequency of sunlight is around 254 nm and this is missing from our spectrum (UV level) otherwise there would be no bacteria?

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You obviously know more me than me about this, but that was what I was taught in biology at school.

If we all wait for someone else to act, nothing will ever be done.

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I have looked into the subject Jane but always willing to learn if someone has ideas.

Mmm… I’ve seen what happens when the chemicals are not added to the pool … ugh and double ugh. The sunshine does not work in such a situation - well, apart from accelerating algae etc


Yes that is a problem as several species photosynthesis all down to the sun.