Flouting the rules?

OK, there really is an American actor living in Paris by the stage name of Avant Strangel - well I never!!

That’s wonderful, @Dan_Wood!

I have the same faculty and I too see everyone as wrong 'uns, quite unerringly, a mile off and even further.

And you’re all absolutely fabulous! :hugs:(〒﹏〒)(ᗒᗩᗕ)(・ัω・ั)

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Cheers @cat

I cannot be everywhere at once… I do have a life away from the forum and I only come across newcomers by chance.

It seems daft that some folk are quite happy to engage in conversation etc etc with a Newbie who has not properly registered… and thus leave it to me to wave the big-stick when/if I notice.



In cosmic terms, Stella, as befits your name, you are incalculably more somewhere else than anywhere, so your potential to be everywhere makes a great deal of sense.

Consider your daily peregrinations on the surface of the planet, including your home. Broaden the context to include the rotation of Planet Earth, its orbit round the sun which has its own orbit around a point in the spiral galaxy of which it is a part, and the rotation of the galaxy itself. Add to that the ‘outward’ expansion of the universe since the Big Bang. Very movious, aren’t you?

Seems to me you’re never in the same place for a nano-second, and everywhere seems like a good idea to describe your constant no-fixed-point in time and space! Mad whirligig!

Good job your hat is well secured to your head say I! (๑´•.̫ • ๑)。:゚(;´∩;)゚:。(´;ω;`)

I suspect you have missed something fundamental in relativity theory. Objects can be said to move relative to one another, but there is no absolute standard against which any one object can be said to be stationary or moving. But I am prepared to be corrected. . . . .

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Fascinating, Mike, and I am privileged to learn from you :hugs:

Have you seen that fabulous animation of the solar system spiralling through space? It is beautiful :heart:

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Got a link to it please @vero? :link::hugs:

I hope the link works

And this might work if that one doesn’t

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