FRANCE Daily 2022, Passe, Vax, Travel (Update) etc

Just been into three shops, very mixed picture but at least all staff seemed to be wearing a mask.

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Spent Thursday at Retromobile in Paris expo. Big crowd, no masks.

Sadly… we could not go… but had we done so… we would have been masked and keeping our distance etc.
A quick flit around would have been wonderful.
Thanks for the update though…

Possible 2nd Booster for the 65+ at risk… details herein…

Friday’s figures…

Did you see the Bugatti?
Was the red Porsche Diesel tractor as good as it looked in the photo?

My ex-neighbour, 83, says in the small town nearby, where he is now, people are “fed up” and not wearing masks except indoors with lots of people. This definitely includes others of similar age he knows. He says they “want to live their lives”.

As always, this shows how folk react differently… to almost everything. :wink:

Saturday’s figures:

Sunday’s figures

No need for panic… just to be aware

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OH the only person in Lidl just now wearing a mask. :roll_eyes:

Easing of isolation rules for case-contact folk…

BUT: For covid-positive people with a complete and up-to-date vaccination schedule and for children under 12 years of age: isolation is for 7 (full) days from the date of onset of symptoms or date of collection of the positive test.
For covid-positive people with an incomplete vaccination schedule and for unvaccinated people: isolation is 10 full days.

but… have we abandoned the mask too early???

Monday’s figures

and where the figures come from

Tuesday’s figures

Wednesday’s figures

just slightly different viewpoint, but the figures seem about the same…

Thursday’s figures

Went to Leclerc in Perigueux today. 50/50 masked.
Masked up were mostly the older ones but some young-middle 20’s as well…
Some cashiers were and some weren’t so the shop is leaving it up to the individual.

Glad to see gel available at the entrances and more available as one entered each shop …
Even spotted a chap spraying disinfectant on the public couches etc.

Obviously Leclerc is doing its best…

We were in and out in a flash… ok about 1 hour… spent far too much but who cares… it was like going on holiday.

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Friday 25th March:

In Carsassonne yesterday, I estimated about 25% masked in the three supermarkets we visited and yes, mainly older people.
We also did the same as you @Stella , spent far too much, especially in Grand Frais. We had a frugal month, so decided to splash out. Bought an 800g punnet of French strawberries for €9.80 :open_mouth:. Looked at the receipt when we got home, and they weren’t on. Free strawberries always taste better :slightly_smiling_face: