France extends Covid-19 health emergency until July 24

Of course you have the right to ask questions and challenge dogma.

But I also have the right not to agree with your dogma either. So I find the American break the lockdown movement worrying, as I do the American death statistics.

I think that, as is applied in UK, the advice to all those over seventy to self isolate, is over the top.
Many seventy plus are healthier than those who do not exercise and live on takeaways and ready meals.
The problem is that one rule suits all, does not suit all and is discriminatory.

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I no longer live in France but have great affection for it and friends there. I wonder what you make of the reported tension between Macron and Philippe?

Thatā€™s a very interesting user name you have Juan

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I tried to watch it but at 39 seconds he said the Shutdown was evil. Well, oneā€™s time is limited and far too valuable to spend it watching idiots.

The flaw in everybody making up their own mind is that someone having decided to ignore the rules can infect others. I donā€™t care if everybody who chooses to ignore the rules ends up in ICU or even dies. Je mā€™en fous. But if one of those people infect somebody else they should be shot, with their own AR 15.


Ye, thatā€™s the hypocrisy of it, ā€œwe donā€™t think itā€™s dangerous, but weā€™re afraid of catching it any wayā€.

Thatā€™s the point it isnā€™t about yourself itā€™s about protecting others

In my opinion Ronald tension is good. Passionate debate brings better decisions. I believe this is why the UK Government has failed so badly. Johnson (and Cummings) have a nodding dog cabinet, and not very clever dogs at that.

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A mask can do both Edward. Any old mask will decrease the risk to others and a FFP2 or FFP3 certified one will also protect you if worn properly. I was in hospital with flu over Christmas and though I didnā€™t think so at the time it was quite lucky. When I was leaving and they heard I was planning to fly a few days later they gave me a bunch of FFP2 masks which are like henā€™s teeth now. Weā€™ve been using on shopping trips.

Against my better judgement l have just watched the video in your link. At no point, l repeat at no point did l get the feeling l was listening to anything other than total bollocks - Then what did l expect from a fellow member who goes by a name he knows sounds like slang for masturbation.


Interesting as this was your first post! :confused:


I wasnā€™t really referring to PPE , more theā€™ Iā€™m all right Jack ā€˜ attitude of some in ignoring lock downs etc and thatā€™s fine by me if they are only putting themselves at risk but not if they are affecting others by doing so

I was thinking it was just me had noticed

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Maybe related to Juan Kerr ?


You got there 1st!

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I also thought of Juan Sheet the kitchen roll guy but that maybe a UK thing

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Anyone know whether there is going to be a grand announcement tomorrow regarding the deconfinement?

There is something in the idea that if you could truly identify those who are most vulnerable to serious consequences from Covid-19 then you can protect them, and allow others to continue working etc etc. But that as yet is something there isnā€™t the knowledge to so properly. Age is a factor, but as yet we donā€™t know how general health factors into that as fit old people have died. Obesity is also a factor, but as 70% of UK population are now said to be obese we donā€™t know how to work that either. Same with smoking.

But the UK Govā€™t approach to shielding is pretty simplistic, and unfortunately the application of the policy has been a mess. So in many ways I prefer the French idea that you should apply common sense to your own circumstances- although a food parcel might have been nice as long as filled with flour and toilet paper!

But at least European countries have a strategyā€¦unlike Dumb Don.

Possibly linked to the Russian side of the family via cousin Ivan Kallot.


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