Free French lesson and new French learning program

No need to ignore you. :slight_smile: There is an interesting aspect to using quotes when the subsequent comment is not a direct response to the quote - I was just using your words to go on to say I now don’t understand what Nia means. My comment was not directed back to you Gareth. The apology should come from me, not you. :slight_smile:

Some folk have homed-in on the word " folk" (post 6 I think)… and missed my subsequent suggestion (Post 12)
in reply to @Nia_French_Teacher 's “explanation” ( Post 11 )

:+1: :rofl: :roll_eyes:

and @SuePJ 's suggestion we simply drop “people”… :+1:

difficult to believe we’re now on (Post 42) :wink:

‘Folk’ if not followed by ‘group’ or ‘singer’ just sounds American to me and I try to speak my native language and the one of the country that I live in for preference. :wink: :grinning:

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Actually the word folk has much older origins than people in the English language

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Isn’t it from old german ‘volk’ with all the 20thC connotations that drags with it…. Ein volk, ein Reich, ein Führer.

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Yes, Germanic origin, a good percentage of the English language has Germanic roots.

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In Britain, I believe folk (however one spells it…) goes back to Anglo-Saxon times… :wink:

getting Back on Topic… have any more forumites contacted @Nia_French_Teacher

I think her project is a great offer, for those who want to improve their stay in France but are struggling with the language. :+1:


I’ve updated my post to clarify it.

What I meant is that this program is specific to people who want to learn French for everyday life.

One of the biggest problem of language learners when learning a new language is that they don’t choose a course that is specific to their needs.

I had this problem when I learned English and Spanish in high school. I loved the lessons, I had amazing teachers and I learnt a lot. But it was too general.
So when I went to the US, I was lost: people were talking too fast, I was unable to have long conversations, I didn’t know enought useful vocab for daily life and I was afraid of phone calls. And now I understand why: this was not my teachers fault. The problem was that the course was not adapted to my needs.

Now I realize that some English people who live in France have the same problem. And I would love to help them. That’s why I’m currently running interviews to have a better understanding of their needs in order to improve this program specifically (I also have other programs for other types of students).

**I don’t teach the same program to other English speakers because it wouldn’t be helpful to them.**Please read the following explanation and do not take this sentence out of context. :wink:
For example, I also teach French to children who need it for school, to physiotherapists who live in Switzerland and need to pass DALF C1 in order to be independant, to people who are already fluent but just need to improve their pronunciation. Other French teachers teach French to English speakers who live in their native country, but need to learn French language in order to speak to French customers. All of them have different needs so If they want to learn French efficiently, they need different programs.

I hope it’s clearer now. :slight_smile:


Yes, I completely agree. My introduction to everyday French was similar (quand j’étais stagiaire chez Air France dans les années 90). In my case I fell in love with a French woman who taught me more than any teacher ever did. La meilleure façon d’apprendre une langue étrangère c’est sur l’oreiller :wink:

But where are you?

I was in France but I just moved to Spain. My company is still based in France.

That may well be the case, but this is a family thread!