French Vaccine Programme

I would refer you to other people who have posted on this forum who do not like either needles or vaccines, but, because of the appalling nature of this disease, have said that their sense of social responsibility has made them take the vaccine.
We are all in this together, whether we like it or not.


It was made abundantly by both AZ and the medicines regulator that no short cuts in vaccine testing took place. They were able to bring the vaccine into use because, instead of waiting for the inordinate amount of time that usually took place between presenting the evidence and peer review, this took place alongside the testing.
It just goes to show how much time is actually wasted in bringing medicines into use because of the huge amount of time spent waiting for peer review.

She has chosen and that is her choice whether you like it or not.As I don’t know her circumstances or her life.I wouldn’t try to impose my sense of right or wrong on her.As for others on this forum changing their mind they do as they please.

We only got rid of smallpox because of the vaccination programme and this will be the same.

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I don’t think we’ll get rid of covid, we’ll just have to try and stay on top of it like we do with flu :unamused:

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You are right, but I for one, don’t want this thing rampaging around at its present levels for ever and keeping it at anything a reasonable level depends upon vaccinations and following the prescribed hygiene precautions.


Just wait until tomorrow :upside_down_face:

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@Helen6 has always made her views on vaccinations clear ( its one reason why we don’t hear from her enough) and she’s sticking to her guns on this and whether we agree or not its an individual, personal choice.


Haha reports from the UK is that the Pfizer will be more likely to give you a bad 24hrs or so on the second one if it’s going to. The AZ on the first one if it does.

TBH while I understand the lots of reasons ‘for’ and the practicalities of need to just stop the spread, I am still sure over time and repeated rounds there is more to come out about these vaccines. We dont know everything yet. But nor do we, about anything.


One could look at it the other way…there are at least 60 active posters on here who have said they have had/are getting the vaccine. So that means there’s space for a few people to decide not to have it and still have reasonable population immunity level So feel good about yourself as we are helping protect Helen.


As vaccines become freely available a cross Europe, how do people feel about a third shot? Now that I’ve my AZs I quite fancy a quick Pfizer to hedge my bets.


I think various companies are looking to modify their vaccines for the autumn. Certainly AZ have said they are, so perhaps it will become standard along with the flu vaccine?

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I’d have to see convincing data to show that my Pfizer vaccination didn’t offer adequate protection against a new strain before I started mixing and matching vaccines.

You see this view is really strange to me (and is one that I have seen written in newspaper articles)

Do people really think that we are standing up for issues around fully informed consent…the patient doctor relationship…reading research papers…standing up against medical mandates…protecting natural immunity…questioning safety and efficacy…watching the violations of the Nuremberg Code…standing up against the insidious coercive methods being used to erode parental consent etc etc etc …to then just shrug our shoulders and say “ok well as long as X per cent of the population get the vaccine then we’ll be protected…”

Do people really think we are that shallow…???

It’s just not how we think at all…

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I thought the idea of this thread was to keep it on topic, so that people could come here for practical information rather than a general discussion of the merits (or otherwise) of vaccination per se. Please everyone, start a new thread. Keep this on topic. Thanks.


I agree. Keep it on topic and don’t try to change someones convictions. As I have a biochemistry and medical background I too look at past history of vaccinations ( positives and negatives) , plus am up to date with the latest statistics. It is clear you don’t want to get Covid in its variants and (if you survive) the threat of long Covid. The vaccinations do work (ok questions about the Sinovac) , and the Pfizer and AZ also are very effective against all the current variants including Indian a few weeks after the second injection. Also being infected with Covid does not provide you with good protection whilst vaccination certainly does. Also if you have Long Covid ( virus still inside you where your immune system can’t trigger and resolve) then there is a 35% chance that a vaccination will boost your immune system to treat it. OK we have also the importance of vaccinated (not infected) herd immunity to protect all of us, including our kids,…and to reduce to the minimum the risk of further more dangerous mutations. The risk of dangerous side effects of vaccination are so low you are more likely to be hit by a bus. Yes there could be a miniscule chance of long term ramifications,…but…this has not been the case with the numerous tropical vaccines (which were much less stringently tested) that many of us were injected with as children.
We are all entitled to our own point of view with our bodies. That’s OK. I simply hope that enough of us get vaccinated to protect us all for the future.


Herd immunity is not protecting young people and children to the same extent as previously.
Now that a greater percentage of the older population have been vaccinated, the virus is looking for other hosts and is finding them in young people, teenagers and even children.
I wouldn’t want to rely on herd immunity to protect my children.

Currently a third dose is reserved for the severely immune suppressed. There are still many people in france who are still wanting their first or second doses…

That wasn’t my question Jane and as for timing I wrote “As vaccines become freely available across Europe”.

I wanted to know how people feel about a third shot.