General medical

Hello everyone. We have had a letter each for our general medical exam to ensure we are fit to stay in France as residents :laughing:

Has anybody been through this process please? An idea of what to expect would be good. It says in the letter to bring our ‘carte de vaccination’ but we do not have those as UK tends to keep all records within the NHS.

Also, will it be a long wait as we are thinking about how long we can leave the dog in the house without asking the neighbours to let him out for a wee/poo

Thank you

Did not know this existed, is it something since brexit and new applications for your CDS? Employees have to have a medical each year for their boss in many trades.

Frankly, I’d err on the side of caution and the well-being of your dog.
Get the Neighbours organized and, if by any chance, you get back sooner than expected
 no problem. If you are delayed, the poor dog might suffer (with legs crossed) and/or make a hideous mess


I have never heard of this! Who sent the letter? Was it the French health authorities or immigration? Or an employer?

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Me neither, I used to get invited to a sort of well man clinic years ago when everything was tested (although I disputed their machine’s opinion of which of my ears was most deaf :roll_eyes:), but as far as I know it had nothing to do with staying in France, so perhaps it is a Brexit thing. :thinking:

As to leaving the dog in the house, it depends on where you live and your dog. In the high heat of summer when I had to visit Fran 50 kms away in hospital, I left the back door open for the dogs to come and go, and the gate padlocked with a chain to ensure a casual visitor did not let them out by accident. The key was hanging on the fence a couple of metres away with the full knowledge of the neighbour. :joy:

Are you sure it’s not just a invite (voluntary) for a general check up?


Qui sont les étrangers concernés par cette visite médicale ?

Tous les Ă©trangers qui ne sont pas ressortissants de l’Union europĂ©enne sont conviĂ©s Ă  cette visite mĂ©dicale par l’OFII afin de pouvoir bĂ©nĂ©ficier d’un examen de santĂ© complet et gratuit et d’un certificat mĂ©dical utile pour l’obtention d’un titre de sĂ©jour.

S’il n’est pas obligatoire pour tout le monde, cet entretien doit ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ© impĂ©rativement dans les situations suivantes :

  • lorsque vous sollicitez un titre de sĂ©jour pour des raisons mĂ©dicales ;
  • si vous souhaitez vous installer en France de maniĂšre dĂ©finitive.

If a Brit arriving NOW wants to live permanently in France
 the medical IS compulsory
 whereas before (Brexit) it wasn’t

Comment se déroule cet entretien ?

La visite mĂ©dicale de l’OFII se dĂ©roule dans les locaux de l’organisme, avec un mĂ©decin agrĂ©Ă© qui pratique les examens obligatoires suivants :

  • une radiologie de vos poumons pour dĂ©celer tout risque de tuberculose ;
  • un contrĂŽle de votre tension, de votre poids, de votre taille et de vos yeux ;
  • une vĂ©rification de vos vaccins ;
  • et un contrĂŽle de votre taux de glycĂ©mie, si vous ĂȘtes diabĂ©tique.

Des tests urinaires peuvent ĂȘtre demandĂ©s par le mĂ©decin qui vous reçoit en complĂ©ment des examens rĂ©alisĂ©s. Le jour J, pensez Ă  vous prĂ©senter Ă  la visite mĂ©dicale muni de votre carnet de santĂ©, de vos lunettes et de tout document en votre possession qui concerne vos antĂ©cĂ©dents mĂ©dicaux.

For those of us already Resident, with our CdSWA stuff
 we can relax

@blade46 don’t worry about this, someone else has been through this
 it’s just a very thorough check, which gives a good starting point for your own Doctor to follow up (when you get a local Doc organized, of course

Our Doc put us both through our paces and had me scratching my head about vaccinations
 and he roared with laughter when I admitted I had no idea of my blood group.

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@Stella, you are spot on. It is an obligatory part of the process now. It is most defo not an invite it is a convocation and not allowed to change the slot for radiology or the medical exam.

I get what everyone is saying about our lovely doggo and you are right. We will ask the neighbours to come in and let him out. The house will be nice and cool for him. I would leave the back door open but we are not really entirely dog proofed as yet.

I do not know what we do about ‘verification de vos vaccins’ as being Brits everything is with the NHS so we cannot take a vaccination card with us. Suppose take NHS number as maybe the French health authority can access their data?

Now you’re warned, you can think back to what jabs you had and when
 childhood ones, right through to whenever

and read the list
 glasses, medications (if you’re on anything
 ) all helps.

All will be well
 these folk are used to dealing with a nervous public
Our Doc arranged for us to gt up to date with vaccinations and I was sent forthwith for a blood test
 now the whole world knows “my type”

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Will go through it with OH over lunch and see if we can remember (possible senior moment coming on?).

The rest we have re glasses and any meds (me not but OH asthma).

BTW as a thought
 why on earth would they refuse a Brit residency on medical grounds? It seems strange to me? Particularly as health insurance or an S1 has to be provided which covers the French health care system for paying out. I am probably missing something here I would suspect but it’s only a question.

Where is it mentioned that this might happen
 ??? I’ve not seen anything

It is completely standard, and very straightforward. The main aspect is the x-ray as TB is a big concern again, and a few questions about overall health. You would not be refused a CdS on medical grounds, but if TB is seen you would be required to have the treatment which is long and irritating.

Many countries don’t have vaccine cards so that’s not an issue. Take your covid certificates, and try to remember what else you have had. Tetanus might be one you actually want to be done if you are embarking on your garden!

If it’s the full OFII assessment they will check you level of French and if not up to level (which is very low!) you will be asked to do obligatory free lessons.

But all the reports are that it is very non threatening.

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It is standard procedure to see if you are Typhoid Mary or have things like schistosomiasis or tuberculosis. After all most visas were originally for people coming from countries where such things were endemic.

In 1981 I went to university in Germany and needed an Aufenhaltserlaubnis and had to do all these medical tests. V funny as because I was a minor and not a refugee or in care, when I said no X ray or poo sample thank you they just had to accept it.

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Sadly on the rise again

Report of a case of Dengue fever down here in the local press this morning transmitted by the tiger mossies.

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Not sure but the attestation you get after the medical says “remplit les conditions sanitaires pour etre autorise de resider en France”

I still have mine as it is “unbefristet” from the days of the EEA.


Dont worry, they might find some bits you didnt know you had or some you dont need anymore. All will be well.


:rofl: @Rocam

More Brexit benefits :rage: