Hot Tub/Spa Help

No. Mark suggests that his hot tub is expensive to run. Saying it’s cheaper to run than a swimming pool is pretty irrelevant.

Anyone care to come up with figures about running-costs of Tubs and Pools… I’m surely not the only one who is interested, but doesn’t have a clue… :thinking:

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Well stepped in Stella, my mistake, I replied to David when it should have been to Mark. David hasn’t anything positive to add so Mark, care to define expensive?

Stella some pools, the larger ones cost around 600€ in electricity alone per season. Smaller ones around €300 mine a smaller one (8m X 4m) costs around 30€

Mmm… must be other costs involved then… I know folk who have been unable to keep their pool up-and-running… left empty for years now, such a waste… :zipper_mouth_face:

I’ve never really looked at the actual cost. To get to temp, say 38 C can take 12 to 18 hours depending on the weather and the water temperature. It uses a 3kw heater, so that’s 60 cents an hour and a circulation pump, can’t remember the usage but probably 2 or 300 watt, so say 5 cents an hour. So that’s approximately 7 to 12 euros just to heat up from scratch.

It can lose between 5 and 10 C a day (3 to 5 hours heating), so during a single day it will cost 2 or 3 euros a day to run, and in use 2 big pumps and blower, maybe 1kw each.
So probably about 100 euros/month at a guess, plus chemicals, filters etc

Indeed, on another forum someone posted the list of chemicals used by the company they used to look after it. The bill for just 1 month was more than I would have ever used in a season. If that company were doing the same to other customers then that would back up what you are saying.

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Mark roughly what size is the tub in water 1m3 and temperature rise from 20c to 34c so 14 Deg?

Tub holds just under 2m3, mains water here can be as low as 8 or 9C, rarely more than 13C. Normal “running” temperature is 38C, but can be 40 if I use it in the winter, but thats quite rare these days as the temperature loss can be massive, even with all the insulation, hence high running costs.

Living on the boat was good, in a good anchorage, jump over the side, cheap swimmin’ :grin:

Hi Mark, checking through the figures for heating 2m3 of water sounds about right for a 3kw heater. There are some new Europe wide regulation coming out in the Autumn, only scant ideas of what will be in them at the moment but a tub I worked on recently we have separated the filtration circuit from the boost so the filtration has a turnover rate of around 9 minutes to align with the current guidance and runs via a sand filter on about 55 watts. Then when the boost comes in the water via the other circuit is unfiltered but as it’s only on boost for about 10 minutes the savings are pretty large and the air blower in this case does a lot of the massage jet work.

Have you got a good thick thermal lid cover?

Another tub we have plumbed directly off the gas boiler so hot water can be fed in minutes rather than many hours and being gas it’s cheaper that electricity. New regs will require emptying and refilling of water between guests, this was drafted in early so we know that is most likely to be in the new spec as will automatic dosing of chemicals.

Yes, got a reasonably good cover (Canada spa). So, some rules are being introduced - Can’t quite see the point of auto-dosing and changing the water between “guests”, makes you wonder who dreams these up. Can’t see it happening here…

Hi Mark… Depends on the site/usage situation., I suppose. But changing the water between guests is a bit like changing the bedlinen… :zipper_mouth_face:

Blimey, do I have to do that as well?

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:joy: hahaha

Oh I want one now!

Why? it’s no different from any other and heating with wood is very polluting. I read a report this week that even the best wood burners are equivalent to having 8 lorries engines running outside your home!

Go gas, electric or solar.

Or maybe no tub, no pollution at all :rofl:

Life in France is supposed to be relaxed and decadent, you have to have your toys. Mind you I have met a few french people in supermarkets who are still polluting and could do with a soak in a hot tub or bath :smiley:

Not integrating well then John :rofl:

Believe it or not there are still homes in rural France that don’t have toilets or bathrooms. I also know personally one lady who does her clothes washing in the local lavoir . The family change their clothes on a Sunday, come Monday rain or shine Madelaine is to be found on her knees scrubbing their clothes . In winter she cracks the ice to do it, no gloves either ! :open_mouth: