How good a job has Macron done so far?

Not if you even remotely understand what it means to be transgender, no.

Look at the statistics. Nearly half the British in France are workimg - either salaried, auto entrepreneurs or frontaliers. Just not in the South West.


Up until this year the same jobs that the French apply for…business, IT, teaching, hospitality etc etc. I think you might be thinking of a sub-set of Brits who head to the more rural areas.


A typically insightful article by Nabila Ramdani.

Ronald are you the same Ronald Fox who also posts as plod @cat

@james over to you pls!

Yes, it would appear that I have two slightly different nicknames. One for the iPad and on for the laptop.

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Does that mean I have two accounts? Wholly unintentional.

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I have looked to delete the plodder account but can’t. Can you?

Excoriation of Macron’s Africa policy by a real expert (Vava Tampa)…