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Indeed - he is on FB if you want to find him.

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I miss them all. I don’t think Simon Armstrong took kindly to my pastiche of him as Captain Silas Limpleg :face_with_hand_over_mouth: (Simon was a veteran airline pilot and a very stalwart advocate of mens’ reproductive health, viz prostate cancer).

I particularly miss Bill Morgan, Bill’s gone-missing Goose, and Babeth his French missus. :thinking::cry:

Maybe they’ll be back. Simon would dance on my grave, but I shall deny him the satisfaction by being cremated. :funeral_urn::joy:

Or outliving him :wink:

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Never crossed my mind. But I wish him good health and a long life (FFS!!! as he would no doubt say :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :innocent:) :hugs:

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IIRC BM was one of the original moderators (Team).