How warm do you keep your home?

Speaking of fans…that metal fan thing Aldi in the UK sell that sits on top of the logburner and uses the heat of the logburner to operate the fan and circulate the heat from the logburner better, gets rave reviews.

IIRC France Aldi sold a version of it for the first time last autumn. So could be worth keeping an eye out for it coming up this year.

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Leclerc has a temporary stand this time of year with a good variety of the Elephant ones which are excellent and fair priced.

Applying the same idea to radiators give a much more pleasing room comfort. Radiators just dont radiate very well so to max comfort a small fan works really well.

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Indian or African?:joy:

Rubber, anyway

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Nah, we’re just skint :slight_smile:

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Yep… that’s why we have a ceiling fan in the largest room in the house… on its lowest speed, it disperses heat from radiators and/or logburner… which collects at ceiling height…

useful in summer as we can switch the blades to run the other way…


I don’t have an Aldi one, but those Peltier effect stove top fans are very good for moving warm air to the corners of the room.

If you have a plain stone wall behind the wood burner, it might be worth installing a reflecting panel behind the wood burner so that the heat is radiated back into the room instead of being absorbed by the wall.

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Hahaha, I know the feeling - OH likes them, I don’t. We have a dual control one, so he can have his side as warm as he likes and my side only goes on if it’s -5° :rofl:

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Absolutely perfect @Saints60 !

We had one and found it useless. But our log burner is slightly set back so might work better if in the middle of a room

Have two, used in tandem and did a good job

I’ve known -9°C several times, yet the locals don’t really know how to dress warmly or how to keep their houses warm. There’s little or no insulation

So true! This past winter snow covered a wide area of the country. Even snow in Kloof.

Gordon Bennett… 6.30pm and 18c indoors (15c outdoors) … fine for me.
OH looked hopefully at the unlit logburner.
He does feel the cold and we’ve just had our flu jabs, so I decided to pamper him.

Phew… 23c by 9pm … OH felt cosy and I was roasting … :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I stopped putting any more logs on… and let it burn out gradually before turning in … and the temp was still 23c…

It’s back to 18c this morning.

We can’t use our log burner as it makes my asthma worse.
We have the heating on for two hours in the morning and evening.
In the evening it might be more when it is really cold.

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One thing we can all do to help the planet is to heat less and at lower temperatures and compensate with more clothes and good bed covers. If the whole population of Europe heated at temperatures a couple of degrees lower, the total energy consumed would be drastically less. We all hate being cold, but we don’t need to be in a tee shirt in the house when it’s freezing outside!
Not only will it help save the planet, it will save you money and you will feel less cold when you go outside.


Just asking Jane, do you think its from smoke particles or the dry air?

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Mostly we use underfloor heating and that running at 16/18. It has been still warm though here in Gascogne.

If you are ever redoing your floors, I HIGHLY recommend this.

hot water bottles at night are lovely and always a treat!

Mmm… we do have friends here who have underfloor and they love it.

but they still need the logburners to keep their homes warm enough over the winter itself.

Either the system is undersized or they haven’t enough insulation in the right places.