How wrong can you be?

I think that the French would be astounded at the variety and amount of fresh milk available in UK.
Making cream, cheese, yoghourt etc. adds value, so many smaller farmers are doing just that. Some are selling unpasteurised milk direct from the farm as well.
A little tale here which might make us take stock, is that we had a Russian girl staying with us during school holidays. She came from a poor family but her grandmother had left money for her to be properly educated.
She went to a boarding school in Stonehouse which had Russian other girls, wealthy ones who bullied her.
When we went to Waitrose to do our shopping, she asked if we were sure if she was allowed in.
That really makes you think.

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I know the one :wink: one wretched Russian boy turned up there at the beginning of term in Sept with a gun and a suitcase full of cash for the year’s school fees and his pocket money etc. Nothing had been looked at by customs because he had some bogus diplomatic status.

Yes, it was very worrying for thinking people that gangsters children were being educated down the road.
Eventually the policy of getting kids in at any price backfired because UK parents had cottoned on to the fact that their little darlings were being brought up alongside the kids of Russian Mafiosi.
I thought you might have known that school!

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My eldest daughter was christened in the chapel by the then school chaplain who is now Bishop of St Asaph :blush:

On the bright side - they’re now coming to France!


Saw that this morning, Geof. I suspect it may be a ploy to force the government’s hand - he rather overplays the “so it will be French people getting the jobs and French taxes that will be paid” sort of thing. I suspect that there must be a “how to hate the French” class in Eton since they all seem to

Certainly approve of keeping the riff-raff out of Waitrose!

(when we lived in UK used to shop there - it was like a social gathering as we knew so many people - many Yummy Mummies! - nowadays it is French Lidl)

That particular Waitrose can get like that. It attracts the Aspiring-to-be-real-county-set people from the surrounding Cotswold villages.

(I actually think our local Lidl is an improvement :smiley: )

I don’t know how you can make Cheshire Cheese in France?

It was the fact that back in Russia she wouldn’t have been allowed into a shop like Waitrose. It would have been reserved for the elite, ie oligarchs with connections to Putin and the Russian Mafiosi.
I think if people were aspiring to be County they would be shopping in Ciren, not Stroud.

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Think this to be one of those too generalisations about the French and their habits as our Super U (in 22) has at least four floor to ceiling chilled cabinets full of milk (full fat, semi and skimmed, & bio) and every kind of yoghurt imaginable
and it’s not for les etrangers as there aren’t many round here!

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I understand! I fully agree with you about general shopping - anyone, county or otherwise would struggle to do their shopping in Stroud unless they have a yen for pound shops :smiley:
However, the Stroud Waitrose was, for quite a while, the poshest one around and still seems to attract those sorts of people.

Intermarche sell a very passable own label creme vanille

Also ‘heavy legs’, that I had never heard of before coming to France.

She wasn’t riff raff, but a poor Russian girl who could not understand that a shop selling such amazing things was open to her.
If you had read my post properly I hope you wouldn’t have made such an insensitive remark.

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Jane - it is called a joke.

Next time I will format with something like this and hope it helps.

Template joke inserted here

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You are in Brittany. The Bretons are more like the British as far as milk and beer consumption go. Where I come from on the SE coast we never drink milk if we are over about 6, we have no dairy industry except goats.

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My neighbours, dairy farmers for compté cheese, sell raw milk from their farm which is popular among local people to get for young children. No-one else, although I do get it from time to time to make halloumi.

Yes - or if they want to make lots of crÚpes for a kermesse or the like. I love Comté, and Beaufort and Etivaz!