I love cats, here are our two. Let's see yours!

We just saw your pictures of BB and she reminded us a lot of our cat Moka. We lost her on May 17th and miss her terribly. We also had her since she was a kitten and she lived to be nearly 22 years old. She was the last of the seven cats we brought to Washington from California. This is our first time without any cats and the house feels so empty.
We will have wait until our move to France to adopt (or be adopted by) a couple of cats. We were so happy to see all the pictures shown by other cat lovers. Thank You!



Mimi and Ragondin skull, again. She loves it.

Mimi was an abandoned (I believe) kitten who followed me and ancient, now dead, Lili, one eve, in the park. From available evidence, and several kittens found by others, in odd places, in the same area, eg garden supplies dept, of 2 supermarkets, someone was leaving them where they were sure to make plenty of noise, and be taken care of. Better than just dumping them by a roadside, but not good. Mimi had obviously been very well cared for, and her passion for human company and kindness to elderly dogs, has made her a best pal, ever since I attempted to trace an owner, by every path available, and failed.


Hi Guys
I hope you don’t mind me cheating (as they are not mine) but I found this absolutely adorable picture that I would like to share with you…


Cats have a unique talent for what looks to us like total bliss, guileless and innocent in a sisterly mutual embrace, softly and carelessly exposed to potential assault or even death by a predator.

Our own three cats were often like this, though at other times aloof and distant with each other, distinctly different from their siblings.

I think it’s this unreadable mentality that makes them so fascinating to humans. Empathy, Spock, but not as we know it.

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What a sweet kitty!

Not ours, it’s a pic from a cat charity site we support. Made me laugh anyway



Just confirming our tee time with the new starter at the golf club ( biscuits help😊)


We have adopted 2 kittens recently, Mollie (tabby) & Archie (ginger) :


Both very cute but also mischievous!

Having kittens was a condition of my wife to move to France!


This is Brad our rescue puss. He will be 3 in March. He’s a house/ garden cat. A lovely boy with a nice temperament.


Pets are wonderful companions, Especially when you’re living in a foreign country. Do enjoy them! Cheers!


Lizzie at 2 weeks - 4 years ago! Bit larger now.


Loobie, Leo and Brandy waiting for the humans. Leo is VERY large.

Monty chilling. (Bosscat (believe it or not!)

Leo and Loobie - brother & sister

Toffee - two years ago - v mischievous.

And that’s all. Six cats, all spoiled rotten. All indoor since we lost Tigger to a car four years ago. I’m not going through that again.


By popular demand (:slightly_smiling_face:) here is Brandy a couple of years ago.


Does this site allow cat-pornography?


Layed on his/her back like that means they feel totally secure. Very satisfying.

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That’s good to hear John. We have 3 cats, all rescues - 2 from a neighbour that died, but this one - Hugo - just turned up in a terrible state and refused to go away until we adopted him. He was so nervous at first I literally used to call him scaredy-cat, but has gradually relaxed (as you see).

Not my cat but a youngster that has just recently started exploring my garden/wilderness much to the indignation of my Border Collies…!

He/she took refuge up one of my apple trees this afternoon after an unexpected encounter…

I don’t know who he/she belongs to if anyone but I’ve seen the little dog at the top of the lane chasing him/her out of their garden too…

I’m just gonna keep a watchful eye out for now…he/she doesn’t appear malnourished…just a youngster exploring new territory…:slightly_smiling_face:


I love cats too. Over the years I have taken in multiple abandoned cats and kittens. These 3 have since unfortunately succumbed to old age and disease, but during their lives they were well looked after and loved. As were all the others.

Didi - found as a very sick kitten in a cardboard box left outside my front gate. He died recently from feline leukaemia - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qjVbIMNego

Bonzo - my neighbour’s little girl implored me to look after little Bonzo before her mother could drown him - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gh3AoJPy7o&t=15s

CleverGirl - whenever my neighbour’s cat had kittens they were always drowned at birth, until she came very unexpectedly one day, after multiple pregnancies, and immediately gave birth to 5 kittens on my settee while I was sitting there watching TV, amid 5 piercing shrieks - didn’t know 'til then that cats can feel the pain of kitten-birth! This is one of her kittens, ‘CleverGirl’ when 1 year old - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBRMOqR1zko

Look who’s really been ruling Downing street :cat: :cat2:

Caught my eye

Took the one with black cat & poppies😊