I love dogs let’s see your photos of your pampered pooches

They are known as the 40mph couch potatoes! Usually retired because of loss of chase instinct and love nothing more than lazing about. They are just like great, big, skinny cats! However, Dixi was retired early because of his over zealous chase instinct, using dirty and dangerous tactics to win. So now he uses our garden as his race track instead, quite awesome & terrifying to watch. They make fantastic pets though, he is our second & I can’t recommend them enough.


My girl is a bugger for hedgehogs…if one comes in my back garden then it will inevitably end up in my lounge…if they venture into the front garden then she has a certain ‘hedgehog alert’ bark that tells me who or what the invader is…I just always wrap them in a towel and move them with minimum fuss out of our boundaries…:slightly_smiling_face:


Yep, definitely a different bark for a hog, unfortunately they managed to kill one before I could save it, so now I have to make the area safe, so to speak


Here’s my new bundle of joy arrived from U.K. almost 3 weeks ago…we’re not doing much except sleeping and playing and settling in he’s 5 months now and I’ve loved him before he was even born…:grinning:



Looks a lovely looking thing Helen6, those eyes are magic

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I hope you find your new staffy soulmate very soon…in U.K. I would maybe be able to help you find a well bred staffy puppy and give you links to kind and ethical breeders (the Staffordshire is one of those over exploited and misrepresented breeds in U.K.)

If you’re looking to import a staffy from U.K. then I’d recommend contacting the relevant breed club…

If you’re looking to find a staffy puppy in France and fairly local to you then maybe others here can give you better guidance…

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The SPA has 7 up for adoption at the moment. Maybe one is in your area?


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Sorry to hear that John. In the end with one of our previous Airedales I finished up worrying more about her than the hedgehog. She used to carry them round in her mouth all rolled up until I caught up with her and then she would come dripping blood into the kitchen while I extracted the spines from her lips and muzzle. I would put the hog somewhere safe and it was always gone by the morning.
I agree about the bark. Hedgehogs, feral cats and Western Whip snakes - I know to get out there in a hurry!

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Just to put the dampener on an otherwise very sociable thread.

I imagine everyone on here , picks up after their dogs. But for some strange reason , some folk think the fairies pick it up for them and leave it for me to tread in. Gits

We were given a huge box of dog poo bags, so now use them for lots of things. Sitting in a motorway aire on Sunday the people at the next table were looking curiously at us taking our sandwiches out of them…


Just as long as you’re not recycling them


Here’s a kind dog making sure his toy duck gets a drink


Big ears and smiling for the camera :sparkles:


Brave French poodle barking loudly to frighten giant Spanish bear…


The bear was one of several giant animatonic cartoon figures that were shamblng around the square and had some connection to the Christmas craft market in Valencia last week. But don’t think they were for sale…

The above encounter reminded me of our previous pooch, Issa(bella) a Maltese encountering a life-size sculpture of a man with two heads. Stopped dead in her tracks for an moment, then charged at it barking furiously. People in the gallery were cracking up.

This is the scene we found when we came back from shopping this week - a look of total innocence and indifference on the part of my little Millie. You can imagine her claiming there is no link between the half eaten freshly baked (by my wife) loaf and flour, that just happens to be lying on the carpet…and Millie. None whatsoever.


Poor little Millie, she must have been terrified when the awful maniac loaf ran amuck and finally exploded leaving only part of itself behind…


It terrible, we have had the same manic exploding loaf and cakes in our house as well, it must be quite prevalent and terrifying :yum::laughing:


Our manic exploding cake was our wedding cake! We had a modest wedding (us and three friends) before we came to France. Went out for a posh lunch and after dessert our friends gave us a wedding cake. We each had a small piece at the restaurant and we then brought the cake home, intending to send it out to friends who weren’t there on the day. So we left it on the side and popped out to get the small boxes for the cake pieces. Unfortunately while we were out the cake exploded.
On our return we found two horrified Airedales, totally shocked at what had happened. But also pointing out that that is what is liable to happen when you go off and get married and leave them behind.


In our case it was an exploding goose that was resting on (what I thought was) a high shelf before being served for christmas dinner to the new in-laws. Luckily pup was not harmed by hot fat.