I love dogs let’s see your photos of your pampered pooches

my latest rescue Doobie Deux!

and the original Doobie


My new Border Collie puppy in uk at 7 weeks…getting a bit anxious about 14 day quarantines so have put down a deposit with a pet courier just in case my son and daughter can’t bring him over in October…

The pet courier is exempt from 14 day quarantines…

My new puppy is my boy’s great grandson…not that he’s likely to be impressed by that lol…but super special to me…:heart:


now that pup does look adorable… :hugs:

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My daughter and her partner and my 3 grandkids have been to visit him today…my daughter’s partner who actually wants a Labrador said that if one of the eight pups still didn’t have a home he’d have bought one there and then lol…

They eventually want to move to Brittany to be near me…my daughter said she’ll have her Border Collie then even if he does get a Labrador in the meantime…

My kids have been brought up with Border Collies since they were born and she has difficulty imagining life with other breeds…so she’s told him that he can have a Lab but a Border Collie is likely to be on the removal van too…:grinning:


The most adorable pup! :heart_eyes:

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I’m really excited Marijke…! :grinning:

How are your two lovelies…??? x

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I came across this today…really made me laugh :joy:

Q: How many owners does it take to give advice on crating a new puppy?

1 to buy a puppy and post regarding advice needed on crating.

45 to advise, share their experiences and how their crating went well or badly.

7 to caution about the dangers of crating.

17 who have perfect gsds that were never crated, slept through, toilet trained themselves and brought their owner a cup of tea every morning

6 to argue over whether the door should be left open or closed (maybe put a blanket over it and play music?)

Another 6 to condemn those 6 as stupid and just let the puppy run loose in the house and sleep on the bed

22 to tell THOSE 6 to stop being dicks.

2 industry professionals to inform the group that if you have to crate a puppy when you go to work you should not have bought one

15 know-it-alls who claim they were in the industry, and day crating is perfectly OK.

49 to post memes and gifs (several are of Michael Jackson eating popcorn with the words added, “I’m just here for the comments.”)

19 to post that you shouldn’t buy a puppy unless you know how to look after it.

11 to defend the posting to this page saying we were all new puppy owners once and therefore the posts are relevant here.

24 to discuss the best size for a crate

12 to post F.

8 to ask what F means.

3 to say “can’t share”

2 to reply “can’t share from a closed group”

36 People to post pics of their own puppy in a crate.

15 People to post "I’m sick of stupid f^”@rs posting

6 to report the post or PM an admin because someone said " f^”@rs

4 to say “Didn’t we go through this already a short time ago?”.

13 to say “Do a search on puppy crating before posting questions about puppy crating”.

1 to bring politics into the discussion by adding that Boris should be put in a crate. This usually takes place within the first three comments.

50 more to get into personal attacks over their political views.

5 admins to ban the puppy crating posters who took it all too seriously.

1 admin to turn off comments or delete post

5 people to ask where post went or what they missed

1 new owner wanting crate advice and start it all over again.


They are mainly extremely naughty. Sometimes they are very cute xx

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My old dog Mira a staff with her best friend and her favorite place to sit sleep and do everything on I miss her allot I’m sitting now looking at her favorite place in the world


One happy dog on last day before confinement and back to walking round a 1km circle…


“Call of the Wild”

nice shot and dog :+1:

The Springer is my daughters, she’s away with the fairies. The dog, not my daughter :grinning:


Think most springers are🤣


This is Dolly, she is a 3 year old miniature schnauzer.
She is originally from Poland and we regimes her over a year ago, she has a lovely temperament and is obedient most of the time except when she hears the postman or notices a cat, then she turns into a barking machine.


Great Pictures and a lovely dog, I know what you mean about the postman, or a cat in their eyeline, Ours try their best to get at hedgehogs. :roll_eyes:

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Do any one no of any staff puppies available?

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This is Dixi, our retired racing greyhound. He has endured local walks since March, as after the last confinement our car died and we waited 4 months for our new one to be made & delivered, just in time for confinement part deux! Oh well, he enjoys his walks wherever we go and as long as there are squirrels & other wildlife to spot, he is very happy.

Loving everyone’s dog photos :two_hearts:


Looks a lovely dog, well done. A friend of mine ended up with two rescue greyhounds, when he went for one(they were sisters), he said the hardest thing was to get them to run :rofl: :+1:


So elegant!