Inflation rising in France too

The current lack of protest about the high fuel prices is one thing that puzzles me, the Gilet Jaunes became well organised yet seem to have now disappeared completely.

Could be that Drivers appreciate the help they are receiving at the moment…


Is there not a danger that they just give in to those that shout the loudest rather than what’s best for the country as a whole?
Izzy x

I don’t think so. @Sandcastle hit it on the nail for me when writing:

My dear old Gran used to say “There’s none as deaf as those that don’t want to hear”.
So true… The sad fact is that some governments choose not to hear the people, nor encourage them to speak because they are so self centred and so self believing that they are right, and the people are wrong that they legislate to suppress public peaceful protest.
Ring any bells @IzzyM

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I agree, it can go over the top here (which brings us back to CRS overreaction) but on balance I prefer that (from the comfort and safety of my salon :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) to the populous being ignored apart from at election time.

I think both you and @sandcastle make good points. During the whole Brexit debacle there seemed to be a misunderstanding about what representative democracy meant. Hence all those Tory MP’s who questioned the merit of Brexit losing their seats.

On the other hand it amazes me that when in reality the vast majority of Brits are decent, wonderful people they let themselves be subjugated by a minority of entitled, self-serving crooks. I guess a big part of the problem is the first past the post electoral system, a skewed press and dare I say it (I apologise for the stereotype) but not wanting to make too much of a fuss.


not entirely my memory of what happened… IIRC, de Pfeffle withdrew the whip leaving them without support at a local level - shameful and undemocratic. Good honest men and women who had served the Country well thrown under the Boris Bus to further his own career and replaced by UKIP mindless automatons .

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That’s terrible. I guess I was also thinking more of their treatment during Theresa May’s time and it’s all blurred into one a bit when it culminated in the mass disappearance of Tories with a brain under Boris.

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Of course it is not infrequently the case that when a lot of people are shouting for something, it is because they what are asking for actually would be best for the country as a whole. So if a government gives them what they are asking for, those who are anti government will say they are weak and they gave in, and those who support the government will say that they listened, recognised that the protests were justified and reacted positively.
If you look at the bilan of what the GJs achieved, would you say it was a giving in? Or was it more of a compromise, for instance the proposed rise in fuel tax (if I am remembering correctly) was abandoned based on a reassessment of the impact and unpopularity of raising fuel prices in the light of the protests, but other demands were not met?
It will be interesting to see what happens with the pension age issue. You can bet there will be a lot of shouting but Macron has committed to standing firm.

I agree, did you hear the Dominic Grieve interview on Channel 4 yesterday? No holds barred just doesn’t come into it, it was almost as if he was daring Boris to sue him for slander so he could tear him apart in court.
And no-one better than himself personally to defend the action. :joy:


The prospect of Braverman prosecuting and Dominic defending himself would be too good to miss…


Wow Izzy! Just checked the price in one plaice we sometimes use in the SE, nearly…20pounds!!
Whitstable a little cheaper 13pounds. These are take away prices! Skegness here we come :wink:

It was lovely too!
izzy x

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I desperately need to do a tour of Northern England fish & chip shops when I go back. There are so many lovely ones.

At those prices seriously nearly £100 to feed my family of 5, just insane!!!

In Dec 2017 we spent a long weekend in Copenhagen. Although 8 years previously I’d spent time working in Stockholm, I wasn’t prepared for Danish prices. We ended up eating fish & chips INSIDE Tivoli gardens for a couple of nights because it was costing about £25 for the two of us instead of £75 for a pizza or worse for real food. OTOH the hotel breakfast was lovely & we made the most of it. :wink:

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It’s like everything though, you can pay as little or as much as you want. There are 0000’s of chip shops in the UK where cod and chips is under £10 but very few that charge £20 for the same meal.


No it’s free as on all the other days of the year.

Was the meal down chip shop ally Izzy ?

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being a Manchester lad, I was well used to eating fish and chips in the pouring rain from a soggy newspaper wrapping… :rofl:

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No, it’s on the same road as the car park to Hildreds. On the corner is a place that sells hot donuts and rock. It’s not on the seafront road. Explained that really badly :laughing::face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Izzy x