Installation of Log Burners

Slightly off topic.
We had our chimney swept 3 weeks ago and tonight the baffle plate dropped into the hot fire and it’s obvious from the position its laying in that is was put back the wrong way round.
Also it looks a bit misshapen now but we can’t do anything until morning when it’s safe to touch it.
Do we have any comeback on the ramonage, we used the company last year but not sure if it was same guy.
We think the baffle plate will need replacing and obviously worried if there may be other damage.
I would just like them to chk their work really so we know it’s safe.

Could be wishful thinking on Dan’s part…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
“Me and Mrs Jones” (… got a thing goin’on)



The Perigord was your mistake. I was interested to know which one you disliked so much.
It’s a bit like the a Wild West on here, the newcomers obviously have to battle against the old hands who stick together whatever is said and done. Perhaps they’re hoping I’ll head out on the next stagecoach. Thanks for the welcome partners.

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I live in Périgord, sometimes it is lovely, sometimes it isn’t… some bits are beautiful, some ugly, some people are delightful, others ghastly, life can be good or grotty, if you go somewhere briefly you get a snapshot and it isn’t always flattering.

Not being a native of the SW there are bits where I think bloody hell cannibal country, stop marrying your sisters but that holds true for eg the Forest of Dean too :grin:


I’m a newbie as well.but I don’t like to see unfair behaviour Plus I have seen on other forums new people joining and trying to show how much more they know, how integrated they are etc than people who have been around for years

My point exactly. I was just wondering which part JJ had found so awful as I felt that it was unfair of her to write off the whole department. One bad apple…

The heat of the fire can cause the baffle plate to change shape - maybe a bit “droopy” in the middle, and they can move, just depends on the way the fire is designed. I’ve managed to dislodge mine a couple of times putting big logs in.


Teresa… you could always have a word with them… just to say what has happened… and see what they say. :thinking:

Good morning Vero,

I’m guessing that your french is way ahead of mine, I always forget the middle “e”

in departement.

I’m in 83570 Carcès, between Draguignan and Brignoles; I’ve been here since 2012.

It puzzles me why SFN doesn’t require department numbers,

so many of the issues raised require an answer specific to the area.

Many of us do put our department number on our profile, but this is not compulsory as there are SF members who do not live in France or have moved back to their “motherland” but still share a love of France and their knowledge and experience here on the forum.

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Hi Les, my home town is 83990 Saint Tropez, I am French and Scottish and grew up in both countries so I have always been bilingual, bicultural etc. Now I live in the frozen wastes of south 24 (anywhere N of the Massif des Maures is oop north) :laughing:

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We got the manual out this morning and husband has put baffle plate back correctly.
We’re pretty sure it’s the first time it been put in properly since we’ve had the fire ( almost 3 years).
It might improve the way it burns as everyone tells me what a good stove this particular make is and we’ve struggled to keep it burning some days.

There’s no need to be rude to other members. Please don’t post in such a personal manner again as it contravenes our T&C.

You are however, quite free to criticise any department of your choosing (the last time I checked the Périgord wasn’t a member…) and I am quite happy to tell everyone that I live in Dax which is a bit of a shithole to be honest.


Thanks Tracy, it seemed such an obvious omission, I thought that there may be underlying reasons why not; I appreciate your taking time to give me the explanation.

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Thanks Vero,

I now understand why your woodburner is such a necessity; did you move there because the weather is more like Scotland?:smiley:

Although I’m a scouser, I feel half scottish, I spent a large part of my career working there, mainly in Edinburgh. I lived there for about 10 years, in Marchmont and Meadowbank.

I still have some good friends there, in Musselburgh, Stirling and Glasgow.

I’m afraid I feel a bit of a fraud on SFN, I’m not a resident.

I still have a footprint in the UK as well, a small house in Port Sunlight, near to Liverpool.

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Oops I think you’ve got me mixed up with someone else, I haven’t got a woodburner, I have very low tech inefficient open fires which I love!
Moving to 24 was so my children would avoid the bling in 83990, I don’t think it is a particularly wholesome place to grow up nowadays.

I don’t mind Dax, ok it’s not paradise but it’s about a million times better than Mont de Marsan which is a dump imo. Mind you, the indian resto in the town centre is very good…

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Hi Vero,

Sorry for my assumption, but you were looking at a thread about woodburners!

Or did you have your moderator hat on?

That but also periodically I think ooh a woodburner, wouldn’t that be nice, (generally when it is freezing in the kitchen because there’s an icy blast coming down the chimney while I’m having a cup of tea before I go off to work).