Its a matter of class

I am indeed.

Im assuming your Holly's dad Nick? I was doing bits for her for Flavour

Another damned good question posed here, so I had a chat with my butler about he. He informs me that without a shadow of a doubt I'm working class, as I have to go out to work each and every day. He said I needed to stop hiding behind my degree and face the facts.

He on the other hand, does not have to sully his well being with commuting with all those other people on the mass transit systems, so is of course middle class. He was rather rude about the state of the people on the tubes to be truthful.

We also both agreed that my wife is upper class or was that has the upper hand, as she keeps all the money , and sends me out to work.

Simple really.

The French may have lopped off some aristo's heads but the body is still out there. Go to the Ile de Re and you'll see it in clear action. The good family types can be identified by their pushbikes. Older the better, only nouvelle riche ride new ones and no matter how much money they have they are not and never will be in the charmed circle. These people dont have titles any more but their genetic makeup and surnames are clearly old money, old power, centuries of controlled breeding and bloodlines.


Sounds a bit like the two Ronnies i look up to him but he looks down on me, i dont consider myself any class

I did a five year apprenticeship in engineering went to college for seven years didn’t get a degree but was told a few years ago that my qualifications would be now classed as a degree so I consider the levels have dropped considerably but what is a degree it only proves that you can be educated up to a certain level and I have known some pretty stupid people with degrees, I take a person for who they are not what they are, i had a cousin who was very high management he would not talk to anyone not wearing a suit yet i have worked with people who with a degree in engineering have been rolling around the floor covered in dirt getting to grips with a engineering problem the attitude of certain Gov Depts that everyone must have a prize makes me wonder is there any worth in some qualifications, i believe in further education but going to college for the hell of it and it sounds cool when parents say my little girl/lad is at college studying what under water frog wrestling, do something worth while.

@Alexandre - I think you're living with your head in the sand if you think there isn't a class system here! And no I'm not going to try and say I'm more French than you or anyone else on the site for that matter but I live and work here, OH is French and this is the only contact I have with anglophones here in France... I can honestly say that hte class system amongst the French is rife, different to the UK, but rife just the same ;-)

Life, including your own, is "what you make it"..

So if you want to pretend without gettin' caught France is the place to be :-)

"your family origins almost seem to have nothing to do with your class." And that's dead right. If you need to define your class on what your parents have been or done......I pity them. Modern class is defined by what you are, have achieved, got to show for you; it's not inherited.

Both my parents are definitely working class (and very proud of it, mind you). But they enabled me to study, to travel and supported me to become what I aspired. Being considered of a different "class" surprised me but didn't change the person I am.


Yes, if they are breaking the law.

Having good manners and good table manners has nothing to do with a "class" attitude and I think your attitude is actually quite offensive!

Artificial Intelligence or Anglo Info?

"Just the same old same old come out of the woodwork with their English attitudes.."

I disagree.

Seriously, I can use the title 'Lady' !!! Have only ever done so once though, don't hold with this class system, we've all got skin and bone...

It was given to me as a present for a memorable birthday a couple of years ago! I even have a plot of land! But not quite enough for even a one bed place, let alone ten!

I won a fiver, James! And would now be a bad time to let out that I have a title ????!!! And I'll be moving from an end of terrace!!!

Given the amount of time and effort James and I have put into SFN, I actually find that comment rather rude.

If this was 'like' AI - there wouldn't be half the amount of free and polite debate for starters.


So, its...........The Road to Utopia? Sounds like a Hope/Crosby movie.

Be a Warrant Officer then! The men call you "sir", the officers "mister". The best of both worlds and you get to run the army, navy, air force as well. Who needs generals etc when you have first rate Sergeant-majors, CPO's or Master Pilots????

Perhaps you can take some comfort that William is not "snobbish" at all and I can speak from personal experience, although he can and does take advantage of his position.