Johnson v von der Leyen

The revolution eats its own.

Random unattributed quotes online are, of course, worth no more than the photons that convey them from screen to eye.

But this is oh, so plausible isn’t it?

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Is it not just running according to Boris’s favoured outcome from the start and merely lip service to getting a deal. Dog knows the damage this will cause

Johnson is still playing both ends against the middle as far as I can see.

He is trying to look like he attempted to rescue the deal to the public, while at the same time trying to look like he did not to the hard liners while all the time trying to avoid a decision for which he can be criticised later.

Seems to be his usual MO

But, yeah, the hard liners look like they’ll get what they wanted all along.

Mind you I am swaying back to the position that no-deal now actually improves the chance of a closer relationship later.

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Those pluckey brits will always make the most it (thanks to pathe news)