LNB for internet satellite

Are there any really tech-savvy "survivors" out there? We have internet by satellite and need to change our supplier. The equipment we have is suitable for Tooway, who use the Ka-sat. We are looking to move to Viveole but they apparently use an Astra satellite. I understand that we need to buy a new modem. But Viveole say we also need to change our LNB. Why? Won't it do the same job on any other satellite, or are they 'special' in some way, for a specific satellite. Un grand merci for any helpful info!

Hi Michael

Yes I read the small print and if I understand correctly the more you download the slower your speed for downloading becomes but it did say that they would not cut you off so I figure that slow means you will probably give up downloading before you finish as it is soooooo slow. They do have a tale on the Viveole FUP to show how much you can download before you get mega slow but to be honest the numbers could be anything to me.

So then the question remains is it better to get a cheaper unlimited package or a more expensive 30GB ish package



No the two systems are completely different, technically and probably the LNB will not fit on your existing dish. No unlimited is not unlimited and there is a fair use policy. Use too much and you will be restricted pm me for full details

Hi Julia

Thanks for that I will try and read the small print. Have fun downloading.

Hi Helen

We've only just got the Viveole system up & running so can't say, long term, if "illimitee" really means that or not! However given that Sky DSL cut us off as hubby did too much downloading (films) in the day, I would suggest it's best to persuade your family to download overnight (between 11pm-7am) - but that's a bit tricky for a 9-yr-old! Best of luck.


Now we are just in the process of ditching our internet via orange and I have spent the last week looking at different offers and comparing prices so I thought I would just check out the current chat about this on SFN as I have been told that Tooway is getting congested now and I should really lok at Astra.

How come I have not found Viveole before and is it absolutely true that it is only 44.90euro/month for unlimited access. Is there a catch I have 2 teenagers and an 9 year old all of whom like to download music and films.

Any info greatfully received.

Hi Julia,

What SKY DSL said to you about beams is clearly nonsensical !! Attached is a map showing that France is covered by about 6 spot beams, that's all.

I see that Nordnet supplies both the Astra and Tooway systems and Viveole supplies just the Astra system, but only Viveole has an unlimited package which I suspect is what you need.

I'd be interested to know if you go for the Astra system and if, by any chance, you want to sell any components of your Tooway system, I would be interested as I want to use my system in 2 different locations and it would be easier If I had at least a dish in each location !

Thank you!

Hi Michael

Yes, we were staggered that they could arbitrarily put us on another package, without offering a choice (other than a choice of business packages). We were on the "Flat Plus M" package with Sky DSL, which was indeed meant to be unlimited. I work, hubby likes to look at things like Youtube, and were used to fibre optic in UK so we use the internet a lot. We were simply told that the Flat Plus M package "was no longer available to us" and that the were putting us on the business package (2Mb - but a more concentrated beam, rather than shared with say 50 others).

Hi Robert

Yes, limits have been frustrating for us. Here's the link to Viveole's charging (currently offering free set-up charge). http://www.viveole.fr/abonnements-internet-satellite-comet/abonnements-comet-only

Generally very satisfied with internet satellite, very fast and usually fairly reliable.

This is the hardware required for the Astra system as supplied by Viveole. As you can see it is very different to the Tooway hardware.

Hi Julia,

I'm puzzled that SKY DSL could force you to change your contract...on what basis ?.....I have moved to them purely because of the unlimited access as compared with the 2GB per month (unlimited overnight) & 6Mbps download speed of my existing Viveole service...which is probably basically the same as your old Nordnet system. I'll try to find out what hardware the new Viveole syatem needs...

Hi Julia,

It has been the limits that have put me off in the past, if you don't mind me asking, what does the deal with Viveole cost per month and is there a setup fee??

Thanks in advance...

Yup, up to 20 Mbs

Hi Michael

Our system has 1 cable. We are currently with SkyDSL (who use Tooway). We were on an "illimite" package - but they decided to change our contract to a 2mb business package which is useless for me as it's too slow. I work as an estate agent and need quick searches, big uploads etc. Tooway direct don't offer "unlimited" packages, which is why we're going to Viveole.

We used to be with the old Nordnet system which used an old, different, Astra satellite, max speed etc 2mb. But Ka-Sat is the new one, so high speeds.

Julia, I'm in the process of switching from Viveole to a Tooway system..At the moment I have both in operation, my Viveole subscription will run till the end of this month and I have used Viveole for about 5 years. I'm curious to know why you are switching from Tooway and whether you have the system which has one or two cables between the LNB (or TRIA as it is more correctly known as.) My Viveole system uses the Astra 3B satellite at 23.5 E.

I can assure you that my Nordnet installation utilises the Ka-Sat at 9 degrees east...

Hi Machel - I wish my Dutch was as good as your English! Lucky you, getting fibre optic, I'm very jealous! If it is the "old" Nordnet system then it won't work with the new high speed satellite, but if it's for the new satellite (high speed), then it will be OK. What speeds were you getting? Of course, there's the question of getting the equipment delivered too.

Best wishes


Apparently not, Chris. There are different internet satellites up there. Tooway uses Ka-sat. Nordnet/Viveole use Astra SES. Which is why I posted the question about whether we can use the same LNB, even if we have to replace the modem. But it seems Paul Smith has answered the question - we can't!