Lost Carte de Sejour

@kirsteastevenson she is a Japanese citizen therefore if she leaves france where she is a resident she can’t re-enter as a tourist. She needs a duplicate of her CDS

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Have you got a photocopy of it?
Have you reported it stolen at the gendarmerie or police nationale and got a receipt saying so?

Both of those should make things a lot easier.

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In a similar situation (although not Japanese) our Mairie provided an Attestation that blah blah blah was Resident blah blah blah…

That, along with Passport and bills showing living in France… gave great comfort to the anxious person leaving France without the CDS.

In the event, the CDS arrived and was forwarded successfully before the person was making the return trip.

@vero Yes we went to the police and claimed the theft, we also applied online for the duplicate, we are just anxious on how long will they take to have an answer.

Just thinking aloud…
Might be an idea if we all take a copy of our CdS… I’ve still got the paperwork that came with mine, but it’s not the same as the thing itself.

I think I’ll scan and save the copy in a safe place.

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@Stella Hi Stella, thank you for your answer, if i understood correctly you went to la mairie of your district? We are in Paris, how long did it take for you to receive the Duplicate of the CDS? Did you apply also online ? Thank you

Sorry. it wasn’t for me… it was a situation which arose and was dealt with as best as could be.

I suggest you go and speak with your own Mairie… they might be able to help or point you to someone else who can…

@Stella the problem with the stolen CDS once you confirm it’s theft i don’t think it would be valid anymore even with a copy ( but we have everything copy & the paper that was with it.

As I suggested… speak with your Mairie.
You say:
You have a copy of the stolen CDS and the paperwork which came with it.
You have the Police Report of the theft of that CDS
Seems you’ve got a head-start.
(is there a Japanese Embassy in Paris… ???)

@Stella Yes we reacted very fast, her passport got stolen too but will be available for her next week which we will go get at the Japanese embassy.
Thank you for your advice we will go to la mairie even if we need an appointment which none are available at the moment. We will keep hoping tge CDS will come soon

Mairie… or Embassy… someone should be able to help/advise. If you’re already booked at the Embassy next week, why not email/phone and see if they will discuss the stolen CDS at the same appointment.

We have scans and photocopies of our CdSs, just in case. Indeed if I ever misplace my CdS, I look for it on the photocopier as the chances are that is where I left it. I’ve used copies/scans of it more often then I’ve used the card itself!

@jwall it is already reported stolen therefore i don’t think it will be valid once we come back to france if we travel.

@Stella Yes we will but it has nothing to do with the japanese embassy but we will ask about it just in case thank you.

“If we travel” ??? … if there’s any possibility that the Japanese person can delay leaving France until the replacement CDS arrives… that seems a sensible route.

My suggestion of the Embassy was merely because you seemed unsure about talking to the Mairie…and the Embassy might have more luck with the Mairie…
trying to find a route with a solution… but staying in France seems best thing to me… as things stand.

Then there isn’t a problem. You are, or rather your wife is, en règle. If anyone eg the police aux frontières asks you, you just explain, and show them what paperwork you have, there’s really nothing to get in a state about :slightly_smiling_face: she should be in a database of people legitimately here anyway.


I have photocopies of all our important documents. Passports, CDS, Carte Vitalle, driving license etc… etc… You never know when they may be needed.

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Ditto. And I have copies on my phone, and cloud storage, indeed I have external access to my home server so I can get to copies of everything I have! I’m paranoid that ‘officialdom’ is going to ask me for a copy of something or other.

That’s not paranoia, that’s just part of normal life for some of us :crazy_face::roll_eyes::open_mouth:

as indeed we do for all our important documents which we digitally scan and save to our free Dropbox account in the cloud, so even if the house burns down, the documents are still safe.

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