Manchester Terror Attack - NOT a terror attack but a man with mental health problems

I’m talking about the Police not the media. The Police must consider such incidents as terrorist incidents. The media will always sensationalise but that’s not a reason to criticise the Police.

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There are “bent” people in all professions Jane. Corrupt accountants fiddling the books, nurses and doctors who murder people, dodgy builders conning the elderly out of their life savings… the list is endless. It doesn’t mean all accountants fiddle or all nurses are murderers just as not all Police officers are “bent”.

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“ Remember,If Ill of us you speak,we are all that stands between the evil and the weak”

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So true…my dad was in the force and it was at a time when you could give a kid a clip around the ear for scrumping and that would be the end of it and the whole community knew the local bobby.
There was even a healthy respect between the police and the criminals (as he still likes to remind me) each knew their place.
Of course it’s a different world now, but these words still hold true.
The Thin Blue Line …


When I was a kid, it was safe to be out playing/wandering all day (when not at school). If other kids tried to bully us or we had any problems, we were told to say “my Dad’s a policeman” and that would be sufficient… and it was. :hugs:


Here he is , RAF when young and the Police a lot later…



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A young Dixon of Dock Green :hugs:

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Not sure where Dock Green is but Dad was based in London Docks.
No prizes for guessing where he kept his curry sandwiches! :rofl:

It was a TV show which ran from the early 1950’s to the 70’s.

That explains it, I vaguely remember the professionals but wasn’t allowed to watch it (bedtime probably.) Otherwise where the police are concerned I only really remember “the Bill.”
However I am a huge fan of Morse, Lewis and Endeavour :heart_eyes: Guess it’s in the Blood. :laughing:
That reminds me…Wire in the Blood … another great series too :tv:

Possible terrorist incident, why is the default setting terrorist? I’m going to f***ING kill you is along way from Allah is great!

That’s a great idea from the perspective of five days later when everything is sorted out. On the day when you have urgent assistance calls from the PCSOs ,members of the public calling in on 999,possible CCTV etc of a male shouting and stabbing people ( a known terrorist action) in a city that has suffered terrorism , what would you think ?I’m sure at that point they didn’t know exactly what he
was shouting Hindsight is wonderful but I suspect you know that John and are playing devils advocate
BTW a terrorist incident and possible terrorist incident would receive the same police response


There is nothing wrong with that, the bravery of the officers running towards such an incident is amazing.
As Mandy said some time ago the police have to consider the worst case scenario. Then the machine starts with the trotting out of the media.
I remember one such occasion the headlines saying something about terrorism whilst simultaneously the police stating it wasn’t but the autocue had been written so they just blundered their way on.