Moles infestation

Spot on Mark, sticks of dynamite I call them, got rid of 3 moles already this year.
Always put a metal container over the dynamite set up and that way I can hear the explosive going off, neighbours always know when they also hear the bang !!!

Also, a Dutch campsite owner near us goes out with his rifle at 16.00hours most afternoons to shoot them because that is when they are most active in building them hills and he just aims at the moving soil.
Some might not agree with this but he said that they are driving him crazy and they are ruining his campsite and that this is the cheapest way of getting rid of them.

I’ve tried shooting them, trouble is you can’t see them! :triumph:

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Sent to me by a friend :

Brilliant Martin, having been born and breed near Brum.

Used to think Jasper Carrott was OK until I saw him live at the Birmingham Hippodrome (many years ago) - deeply unfunny and non-PC but not in an especially humorous way - just very insulting to several minority groups.

The mole story is a classic though :slight_smile:

I’ve had some success with the Hairspring type traps, but the real cure is Phostoxin tablets, which I suspect are now illegal.

Old wives tale or what ?? I don’t know but it has worked for me every time!!!
Peeled garlic, about 3 cloves, place in the hole and cover. Might take a couple of goes when they move butit does work !!:grinning:

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Getting rid of moles is an impossible task. Even after our plot became completely waterlogged in the winter, they rapidly recolonised when conditions improved. Learn to live with them and don’t get stressed. Adjust your gardening by lettting the grass grow a little longer and raking over the molehills before mowing.
Moles live on worms, so are a good indicator of soil condition.

I tried putting moth balls down every hole…worked for a day and then the blighters expelled them by making bigger hills !
I also tried taking out the works of a birthday card, the type that plays a ‘tune’ when it’s opened. I was told this would drive them away, I duly dug into a run and put the infernal music gadget inside. The next day there were more hills, I think the music attracted other moles and they were having a party in the runs ! :roll_eyes:


At the first sign I will be treating them to half an egg cup of petrole :slightly_smiling_face:

I have had great success using castor oil, one part castor mixed with three parts boiling water putting about half a cup down each hole the packing the soil. Was getting up to 5/6 new holes a day now haven’t seen any for a week!

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Yuk… Mum used to dole out castor oil to us kids… no wonder the moles run away… :grin::wink:

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So I dig a hole around the mole hill and usually find an entry and exit tunnel. Place traps, fill in and cover. Wait 24 hrs and uncover. Every time I do it I find that they’ve bypassed the first tunnels and created more. Taking the pi$$…


:grinning: sorry Chris :wink:

Hmmm,… Finally cut (some of) the grass to find… no new activity.

Maybe they’ve b******d off to annoy someone else.

One can hope.

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Long as they don’t ‘mosey over’ our way :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Nope, think they have moved into our garden …

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As far as I know they do move around a bit, especially when the current incumbent dies (they live 2-3 years).

It’s been wet enough here that they probably went to find somewhere that they won’t drown in their burrows.

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Suppose I shouldn’t say this Martin, but, :grinning: