Watched a 1965 YouTube film, The Flight of the Phoenix, in which this song caught my ear, playing on a small radio in the crashed aeroplane. Deciphered enough words from the song and found it! Lovely old-fashioned Italian-composed plaintive love song…Senza Fine.
Most recent popular music that I listen to comes from Africa - the article below is a decent intro to current African guitarists and has links to their music:-
I’ve posted Sing Sing Sing before, but this version was recorded live in Carnegie Hall in 1938, with an enthusiastic audience.
Apparently, from a YouTube listener’s comments, there were only 2 records made, one for Benny Goodman and the other for the Library of Congress, and was recorded with just one overhead microphone in Carnegie Hall.
Despite some sound fading in this old record, found in a wardrobe by Benny Goodman’s daughter, I prefer this version - there are many others - with Gene Krupa’s distinctive & classic drumming.
Didn’t know drumming was so variable/complicated, or that drumming has sheet music! A review/explanation/analysis here of some of Gene Krupa’s Tom Tom drumming skills.
An obvious thought, but these musicians all grew up with a love of music, trained, practised and played their ways over the years, from childhood into adulthood, until they eventually came together and coalesced into an orchestra to play this, for us!
An afterthought. Don’t know what inspired Ravel to compose this, but it’s sensuous! A long slow buildup to a loud orgasmic crescendo!
Tx Bonzocat. Being British I can’t hear that without seeing Torvill & Dean.
Me too!
Have you got the stance on point?
The left leg leverage helps push down that very stiff piano peddle under his right foot.
He’s got all his special effects there hasn’t he
I did wonder about the special effects. Didn’t see him touch anything to bring in the bass beats, except perhaps the peddle. A talented & impressive one-man band….! If you like piano rock music.
This video is an hour’s worth long! I see he likes dogs. And I guess his wife took the video – in the last piano piece I see briefly the hem of a long green dress.
Love the logo…
Was playing it last night. So many memories.
In this morning’s NY Times - article has lots of links to great S African jazz