New 1st July postal charges and processes

We don’t see how it is a problem keeping a foot in both camps as we as said use UK company’s for anyone in the UK, whilst nice to send them something French it’s not a necessity, we covid apart will still be able to go and see our family and friends and they will still come and see us, no cutting ties or loosing friendships and certainly not because of postal charges.
The only time we get anything from the UK is from companies like British Essential or the British corner shop and they are fine at the moment.

…getting back on topic!!, anybody got more thoughts of how delivery of privately posted items and those from small volume sellers is going to pan out…is it going to be say €12 min charge if they haven’t signed up to IOSS…and don’t think many siblings and children will do that

They’re a real nuisance on a tablet.

Does anyone have any recommendations for removing Magic Marker from an iPad?


No, but it is a darned nuisance.

seems to be a common problem

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I’ve now discovered that an angle grinder is very good at removing the ink stains :rofl:

It’s brexit, there aren’t going to be any upsides are there.

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It’s not just Brexit, this applies worldwide.


quite right @Jane_Williamson

@strudball did you not arrive in France long after the 2016 Brexit vote and therefore had the opportunity to evaluate what Brexit would mean regarding a foot in both camps, or not?
The pandemic has greatly restricted all our movements and had that not been the case I suggest that you and many of us would have passed back and forth to UK to visit family and friends and the frustration that has inevitably built up because of it should not be wholly planted at Brexits door.
I like you despise the whole Brexit saga but it’s happened and we have to live with it and adjust accordingly.

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From time to time though it is worth expressing frustration just to make sure that it is known that we are not happy with it


@JohnBoy …fair point, its been a double whammy for us all.
And I don’t think anybody could have foreseen the minutiae of Brexit…like EU changing their VAT lookalike minimum threshold to zero and because UK had left all items being subject to lots
more administration and huge costs on relatively small value items. The law of unintended consequences!

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I often have this thought John. We blame brexiters for not understanding the effects of their vote - but honestly, who really knew? I certainly had no idea about much of the detail of the possible effects.

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Neither did Boris, all he wanted was a deal at any cost, now he is finding out the detail is going to cost us all a great deal unfortunately.


I remember seeing a thread on having to get a letter from the mairie for visiting family, I’ve looked but can’t find it. Could someone enlighten me on the situation.
thanks in advance.

was it this one?

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You’re right of course Colin - Johnson and other brexiters in power had a responsibility to understand the implications, and they had the means, via the civil service, etc, to find out the truth - they don’t escape blame.
You can argue that we all have a similar responsibility to educate ourselves before voting - or not to vote - so anyone that voted for brexit - or for Johnson - is at fault. But harder for remainers to sustain this argument because most of us didn’t find out all the facts either.

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No , because normal voters don’t have access to all the information held via the civil service. which the government should have paid attention to.
There was no full analysis of the financial benefits and drawbacks published, so all one could do was listen to or research the snippets that were available.

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I suspect most/many Remainers found enough facts to persuade them to vote Remain… and even more facts to support that decision are coming out of the woodwork…

Leavers will presumably have found enough facts to support their choice… but, sadly, more and more facts are coming out of the woodwork which don’t support their choice… ooops.


But it doesn’t really matter because they"have taken back control " - exactly of what still remains to be seen :thinking: