
The biggest news this week is that we have had our first ever SF wedding! I’d like to claim full credit but I have to admit that the bride and groom had been an item for some time before they joined the network…So please do all join me in wishing Ira Graf and Michel Vovard our very best wishes for a long and happy life together!

Gina Hams has offered a new home and life to another rescue dog, Lizzie. You can read her story here and if you are a dog lover, come and join Gina's group Dogs Dogs Dogs. Do make sure you check out Malcolm Cooper's group UK Foods in France - this is a great way to share tips and info about all those items we miss when living abroad. The Bookworms group is going great guns but we could do with some more people to join the book chain - I'm sure loads of you must have a book that you have read and would be happy to part with? If you have, please pop along to the group and start a thread. And if you haven't yet checked out Stuart's music group, Listen In - then do so. Stu's gone to the time and trouble of sourcing some great music - at the moment the daily theme is days of the week but this is about to change so stick your head round the door and maybe you'll discover a new track or just enjoy hearing an old favourite!

And last but very much not least - the Networking group have organised their first get together. This is open to all not just SF members and will take place on Nov 4th in Condom, 32. Full details are on the group page. If you know of anyone in the area who might be interested, please do encourage them to come along. James and I will be attending and are greatly looking forward to meeting some of you.

Have a great week!
