NHS Pensions P60

The NHS pensions team are saying that paper copies of the P60s may not be sent out until July - obviously no good for this years tax return, but if you email them, (giving them your name, address, DOB, NI number, dates worked in the NHS and SD number), asking for your P60 to be sent by email then they send it by a secure email. nhsbsa.pensionsmember@nhsbsa.nhs.uk

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Why do you need a P60 ? I just add up all my receipts for OAP paid into my French account.


The P60 being from April to March each year is not of great use preparing French tax return which is for January to December.

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Our accountant likes to see a P60, plus the pay bulletins that we get when rates change. That way they can be sure that what we are declaring is accurate.

(We have to have an accountant certify our profit and loss account, so they like to have sight of tax return so can confirm that have not changed figures)1

Are you paying UK Tax on your NHS Pension? If not, as others have said, the document is accademic in any event. Even if you are paying tax on it in the UK, you will know what is due and if still being paid in sterling, you will, by implication, be able to calculate what tax you have paid on it by the difference to what is due to what is paid. It becomes more difficult if you are receiving your NHS pension in Euro of course but if you are, you have made an error of judgement in my view since the NHS Pension is shipped out to a 3rd party to fulfil and the rate they get is abominable. Best get it paid in Sterling and use a decent Forex company to do the exchanges (like Revolut, for example).
I don’t see such a delay impacting on your ability to complete your French tax return in a timely manner.

Well I just posted to share the info so that others who need / want a P60 from the nhs pension scheme would know what to expect.
pay tax on it in the UK, and used the P60s from relevant years to calculate my 2019 income for last year’s French tax return and it all seemed quite simple last year.


must be a decent sized pension from the NHS then… The standard Personal Allowance is £12,500 which is the amount of income you do not have to pay tax on.

I started to pay into the pension scheme in 1973! Retired 2016. The nhs pension plus a local government pension takes me just over the threshold.

ah… then I guess you don’t pay much if anything in French tax in that case.

For your information @Wozza my questions to the OP were not intrusive or nosy if your reference was a snipe at me.
For your information, some time ago, @Peter_Goble an NHS pensioner asked a question and after some dialogue, it turned out he was being taxed by the UK inappropriately and the intervention on this forum helped him recover a significant amount of overpaid tax to the UK.


Graham, you regularly insert links to online pages/articles… how do you do that.?..dumby me can’t work it out !

Copy and paste the website address link into the message or use the chainlink next to the quote symbol above, if you copy and paste the link to here you get the below.


If it is a news item it shows as

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Thank you @graham and @Wozza for both having my best interests at heart!


If you get your NHS pension paid into your bank account it should show you how much tax was paid within the reference.

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Quite right @Sandra_Eales I’d forgotten that.
Rather than a mad scrabble part way through the next year to complete the French tax return, I have set up a simple spreadsheet which records all the payments received which I compete as soon as the payment is received. That way, I keep on top of things for both of us and completing the return at the time required is a cinch.

That’s what I do as well for both pensions and the rent we receive from property so it is all there ready at the end of the year.

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Hi, just curious, I’ve got an NHS pension from working for a trust and I’m assuming it’s paid by CAPITA or the Paymaster Generals Office and therefore Non-Government, so will be taxed in France. I’m presuming your NHS pension will be being paid by a Local Authority and therefore taxed in the UK? Thought I’d double check my understanding!

Here’s the link which is the basis of my understanding.

Ah yes, it’s that time of year when we all start getting the figures together… in our various ways.

Something to remember … is that ALL income needs to be declared in France… even if it is taxed in UK or wherever…

and if one has made an error… the French tax folk are NOT ogres… :wink: :hugs:


Yes, both my nhs and local government pensions are taxed/ taxable in the UK.

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I somehow don’t think it is as easy as the link provided suggests.
IIRC elsewhere it is stated that “certain” NHS pensions are taxable in the UK meaning therefore that some are not.