No more Mr. Nice Guy

And if he did happen to sign up, could you make an exception…please :grin:


so Blackmore has been blackballed :crazy_face:

That is not what Cat is saying, as you must well know.
A polite invitation is a totally different ball game!
Black or otherwise.

There seems to be a lot of comments on here deriding JRM and his wealth and now his faith, neither of which is anybody’s business but his own if he has earned the money legitimately. Smacks of jealousy.

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I like the guy but can understand why people loath or even hate him, I don’t doubt his wealth has been earned legitimately but he has gained financially from Brexit as have many people connected to the city so he should expect some stick from those in a less fortunate position than himself ie 99% of the population, however abusing him for his beliefs or abusing his family is wrong.


If Cat knew him then she’s entitled to her opinion. I worked with Liam Fox briefly when he was a gp. Good at his job but smug as!
There’s an interesting thread on mumsnet. Many of the contributors have worked with celebrities and give their opinion. Vic Reeves doesn’t fare well.

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Think that comes across when you see him, have never taken to that man, must be the born instinct in me.

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Thing is with “Vic & Bob”, you either get it or you don’t

It’s not the programme, it’s apparently the man when he’s not performing.

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I understand, but his particular brand of humour comes from somewhere…
Maybe his personality is the price he & others pay.

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