Not applicable in the Cheerful News thread

After testing, it looks like the element is fine and it’s probably the thermostat, as you suggested! Now to see if it’s (a) removable and (b) replaceable !!! Photos are being taken BEFORE dismantling wiring etc, which usually occurs to us as an idea afterwards… :rofl:


Looking forward to your post on good news cheerful/ tread. & you’ve saved some €€€€. Don’t forget to disconnect the electrical supply before fitting/wiring the HWH.

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After a 5.45 start this morning I’m still working as have to have an exam ready for 8am for a kid who can’t be there next week, when I thought I’d need to be ready! I’m exhausted and want to curl up on the sofa with a fire! :sob:


I’m exhausted and want to curl up on the sofa with a fire!

It will pass… hope the kid does too!

Just to warn people - if you are thinking of buying on-line from the perfumes/cosmetics/pharmacy outlet I strongly suggest you think more than twice about it!

I ordered something from them a few weeks back and got a text from Mondial Relay that it was now in the locker at my local supermarket (as I expected).

I trotted down to the lockers with the code they had given me and hey-presto, the code was invalid. I gave it a few goes - using the touch screen or typing on the keypad but no go.

I emailed their customer services (no response) rang up and spoke to a nice lady who said they’d send me a new code. Then got an email asking me to ring them, whic h I did but they had no idea why I was ringing so I explained again and they said they’d send a new code. They didn’t. Two weeks later, I assume the item has been returned to them but I’ve heard nothing and of course they’ve had my money.

Fortunately, it wasn’t a huge amount. I assume the fault lay with Mondial Relay so I shall try to avoid them in future as well but of course it isn’t always easy to tell who a supplier uses for deliveries.

Gosh that sounds terrible. I must say I’ve personally found Mondial Relay the most reliable of all the delivery services……….so far. Touching wood as I say that! And I’ve used them alot. Personally, I think it sounds like a supplier problem.

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I had several calls on my phone last week which of course, seeing no name, I didn’t answer. Then came a text saying that my delivery couldn’t fit in my boite and could we arrange a rdv to do it. My brief reply was ‘I have ordered nothing from anybody’. Have heard nothing more. The world is full of crooks. Be safe out there.

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I assume that, if you paid with a CC, you can request a refund from the card issuer as in the UK.

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Yes, we did that once when a company didn’t deliver at all. Talked to the bank and they did a chargeback about a week later.
Edit: This was with a debit card, not credit card.

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OK, that was good as I think it might be at the bank’s discretion for a debit card - but I think all credit card issuers are co-liable for your purchases and you can claim against them in the case of non delivery.

Also, if it happens a lot, they have rather more power to act against the vendor than you do.

Yes, I was a little surprised it could be done with a debit card as well. Maybe it’s different in France.

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I do buy online but try always to pay through PayPal, which gives an added level of protection. Unfortunately, Amazon offer PayPal but they are very good, in my experience, on returns.

Thanks for the suggestion about the refund! I shall try talking to my bank and see where I get with that. I’m not holding out a great deal of hope, given previous experiences, but it’s worth a try (and I only have a debit card - never seen a credit card here!)

Bloody tiger mossies are back :roll_eyes:

Yes, down here too and its been 30°C+ today outside and humid so they are feasting.

Same here. Today is only 28 C, but previous two days were 30 and 31. Today is very humid though so it feels hotter.

Looks like we may manage to get up to 20 C on Sunday - it’s been bright but chilly the last few days.

Lovely weather here today. Had to sit under the awning as I am taking antibiotics.

Was in the UK last weekend, and in Bristol it was 22 C on Saturday. Everybody was raving about the heat.

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Obviously a very long shot outsider got though to the final…