Oh, oh…… not good

I take it you are fully vaccinated and wear masks while out and about ?

Very sorry to hear that but they are in the minority, also we dont know if that is with covid (variant?) Or from underlying heath issues.

Yes, 2 x AZ and a Pfizer booster. PM 2.5 mask when out.
If wife didn’t have a hospital appointment in a few days I would have gone to my Brothers to catch it. Rather than hiding from it, I see it as a ticket to higher antibodies and far better immune response than the single spike man made versions although I am grateful for their swift intervention because back then things looked very different indeed.

I read that the political view and the science view haven’t diverged so much since the start of the pandemic.

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Yes John it is incredible.

Well after the appointment knock yourself out and go for if your so sure, it’s your life and your funeral if your wrong, but please try to not to be selfish and infect anyone else.


I will try not to, I will stay indoors away from anyone for the allotted time and clear test. 3/4 of a million cases and about 39 deaths isnt it and that is without knowing what underlying heath issues these people had.
Jees just look at the heat attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s, dementure, pneumonia, cancer etc etc that occur everyday but are not ever relayed onto our TV screens, maybe if they were people might sit up and change the way they live, stop eating mass produced crap food with known health issue ingredients and a shit load of sugar.

Just think how much that would save health services!

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Perhaps a decision not to involve the NHS should this cunning plan go tits up. I’ve never heard anything this daft and reckless.

It’s all just one big con isn’t it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
If and when it mutates again, how many times will you take the chance of catching it and will you keep on taking the booster’s when they come available.

Look at the numbers, where are the mases of hospitalisations??? bearing in mind I dont have any underlying heath issuse and the fact it is endemic.
It will also increase the bodies ability to attack the virus because omicron has so many spike proteins rather than the earlier and far nastier variants. Its like a picture, you may not recognise it from a tiny part but if you see more of it you can identify it quicky. That may not be a good analogy but I am sure youll figure it.
This omicron for most is almost a vaccine, I was ill from the 1st AZ shot for longer than some with omicron, that by the way is most likely due to the lack of needle aspiration and the shot going into a blood vessel.

I’ve thought for some time that we’d all end up catching it at some stage. My daughter and her husband will emerge tomorrow from their post positive PCR 10 day isolation. Cold like symptoms and bad fatigue for the first five days or so but otherwise none the worse for wear. Personally, I’d like to avoid catching it until I’ve done a bit of a Vitimin D and zinc upgrade on my immune system. I’m generally low on vitamin D, so boosting it will do no harm. I’d also prefer if the new antiviral oral treatments were more readily available. So, a dose around March 1st would do me nicely :face_with_hand_over_mouth: That said, I’ll probably catch the bloody thing tomorrow :frowning_face:

Not at all, but its alarming how despite SA having this variant for around 8 weeks now and the UK for 4 weeks Denmark for about the same that only doom and despair are being shown. The Aussie prime minister said he didnt trust the modellers as they were out by so much last time. We can see for ourselves that very few are suffering and the vast majority are getting over omicron in 3-4 days. The good news is its displacing delta which although less transmissible was far nastier as it invaded the lungs so much more.

I honestly can’t be bothered arguing with you as you will argue back is white since you have made up your mind to do this.
I sincerely hope it pans out for you, if not it was nice knowing you on here.

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I was reading earlier on the BBC that the likelihood of ending up in hospital with Omicron was between 30% and 70% that of delta - at the moment the confidence interval is wide because we’re still relatively early in the spread of infection. 49 are dead from it in the UK up to yesterday. We don’t have a mass of hospitalisations yet thanks to the high vaccination level.

Just to add a bit to this, we developed an assay in my lab to allow investigation of antibody neutralisation of binding between the receptor binding domain of covid spike and the ACE2 receptor it uses to infect cells. The assay works well with our panels of monoclonal antibodies for all the main variants, but not omicron - I ran the assays Wednesday last week to see if we could add Omicron to the kit. Now, when you produce an antibody response to an infection there are normally a wide range of antibodies produced, and they normally have activity across all the variants. However in the case of Omicron most of the antibodies did not work at all including our ‘sure fire’ positive control. Extrapolating in the opposite direction from this, there is a fair chance that getting infected with omicron will give you less protection against the other variants than the present vaccines.

This is supposition on my part at the moment. Although we have probably all heard about Jenners original work using cox pox to prevent smallpox, these things are often much more complicated: Infection with Dengue 1 doesn’t protect against Dengue 4 or other related flaviviuses like Zika or Powassan, even though the antibodies produced are often highly cross-reactive. It is entirely possible that infection with omicron will just protect against omicron, and one would still be vulnerable to the other variants.

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I see you point and thank you for your concern. I just look at the numbers, I do state as much fact as I can, happy to be corrected but the data shows the numbers for cases, hospitalisations and deaths (without accurate info on the deaths, they could be long standing patients with delta, like poor Dennis Draper.

Very interesting, good to have someone on the inside who knows what they are talk if about and many thanks for keeping us informed Ancient :sunglasses::sunglasses:

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I wish I did (at least a bit more). I’m just the guy wot makes the tools for others.

Thank you, hopefully omicron will lead to greater immune responses to other variants should they arrive but too early to tell, it could be our ticket out of this and with so many infections we will (or you will ) have a pool of data to draw on. I appreciate your need to take a safer line and the work you colleagues do.

Nite nite all, sleep well.

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I wish you a successful and safe passage through your in vivo investigation.


Good link Izzy.

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