Once an actress......always an actress

She is prepared to play her part at any cost. That is the reason why I called the topic Once an actress always an actress.
She talks proudly about her thoughts of suicide yet she seems to placating her future ,gathering up and establishing deals to make millions
It does not seem possible to think that the script is any thing but amateur dramatics


Please could you amend or delete this comment as it is quite offensive, thanks.

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It was made in reference to another thread and was never intended to be offensive but I have withdrawn it as you requested so as not to upset.
Another nail in the coffin of lateral thought and freedom of speech.

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No it was offensive


According to the the news this morning, the hypocritic cringe will be running for president in 2024. Gawd help us if she gets in.

Offensive? Damian was stating a fact, she will pull any card she can to get sympathy. The only thing offensive is her.

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I don’t like her but the suicide comment was unnecessary

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I may be in a minority - but I quite like her.

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It would not do for us all to be the same,you have every right to like her. When I say I don’t like her I don’t seriously dislike her either

To be fair all most of us can like or dislike is her public persona.


What offends you so much exactly? I cannot grasp disliking someone I have never even met so intensely. Or perhaps you know her personally?


Interesting point but some times there are clues,
Some people are just not nice and it you can detect this by instinct.

If you’ve met them.

I can remember watching a programme years ago and saying how much I disliked a character,My Mum pointed out that proved what a good actor they were


Not sure that you have to meet some one to get an idea about their character.
Lots of people like the queen for instance but have they met her.
An actress can be any one who walks away from reality and plays a part but the script has a part to play too.

Surely people like the idea of the monarchy / like the Queen’s actions, or rather, like her actions as they perceive them etc etc. They cannot possibly ‘like’ a person they don’t know personally.

I am shocked at the idiocy of some of the stupidly vitriolic comments being posted in this thread. It’s more Daily Hate than SF.


A little harsh Cat
Hate is a big angry word
Hmm do not think that you like me and we have not met,

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The Daily Hate is a commonly used term to refer to the Mail.

And that is exactly my point; it would be utterly ridiculous of me to decide that I don’t like you having never met you!


My guess is that views of Meghan have little to do with her personally, and lot to do with:

  1. The fact that she is a young black woman critical of (some of) the royal family, and
  2. Prejudice in favour of royalty and against any criticism of it.

I would further guess that those inclined to believe her and Harry and those inclined the other way would split pretty neatly in line with how ‘royalist’ they were before the couple spoke out - and that the more vitriolic the expression of views, the more royalist the holder of those views was previously.