Opening a new window in SF

done so will now try the tests again…

As in already off or you’ve just turned it off -it does go grey when the feature is disabled.

Might be worth a separate report to Ghostery if the above workaround does not fix things for you.

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changed response Paul

ok… so enhanced tracking off works.
Time for bed now so will see if it persists tomorrow.
Thanks for your help Paul. :star:

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@james maybe this is one for the configuration pages of SF?

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Maybe - we’ll see if Ghostery come up with something more permanent.

Oh, Windows vs Linux was probably a red herring - except that the enhanced tracking stuff was off when I looked and the problem is reproducible if I turn it on - perhaps its just the default which differs.


Resurrecting this post from a year ago.
Until a couple of days a go, I was able to log in to my Banque Populaire bank account without any issue. I now find that the web page refuses to load. I was considering going to my banque in the high street to ask if they had changed anything when I had a stroke of genius remembering this thread from Jul 2019.
It’s a different problem to what there was a year ago but I tried the solution just the same… I paused Ghostery and wizz bang - logs straight in. Once again, I think this a problem with Ghostery - not the bank web based software so I post this in case anyone else finds a similar issue and uses this FireFox add on.
Sadly, I doesn’t have any effect on the issue I have logging in to my 4G router :slightly_frowning_face:
@anon88169868 do you have any suggestions for a replacement for Ghostery?

Not that I have tried - but have you tried fine tuning Ghostry for that particular site? Probably the first thing to do is turn off “enhanced anti tracking” for the site and see if that improves things - after that go through the individual components which are blocked on the Ghostery control panel.

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Thanks Paul. I’ll have a fiddle…

Disabling anti-tracking on that site seems to work…

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It’s probably not unreasonable to trust the whole site for online banking - but you should be able to drill down to individual trackers on the “detailed view”.