Paras splat Corbyn

I for one applaud Jane for calling out Peter’s use of an ethnic slur - There was no need for it - Peter has amazing diction but does have, in my opinion, a tendency for going too far. As for your contention that it was used in context - l strongly disagree. You’re right to say we cannot airbrush out the past but surely to god we can learn from it.

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Please accept my apology but I am going to stop having conversations with members who do not show their face.

How is that relevant to the matter being discussed. I do remember you defending Simonflys use of a rather tawdry post that Peter found racist - it was removed - as l believe Peter’s should be.

I’ve deleted the offensive term from my post. Í did not intend to offend, but rather to draw attention to the well-known fact that it was used by troops during the Iraq conflict to describe Arabs and in Afghanistan to refer to combatants there.

Again, sorry SFN people everywhere.

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I find it quite interesting that several folk objected to language in a post… got quite heated about the use of a “term/word”… yet not one of them bothered to “flag” said post… :zipper_mouth_face::thinking:

Anyone care to say why … ???

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Following on from Mr Archer’s comment above, I’ve decided not to engage with anyone wearing a hat called Michael.:grinning:

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[quote="tim17, post:67, topic:25268] I’ve decided not to engage with anyone wearing a hat called Michael.:grinning:

Oh no! Hattism is raising it’s ugly head again (apologies if there are any heads out there that take offence).

I have a fair collection of hats, including a Morrocan fez called Abdullah Bulbul Amir which is lexically roughly equivalent to Michael. I would hate to think it is being slurred by association with hatred of a Hat-called-Michael. :cowboy_hat_face::upside_down_face:


Was very close to editing my post to include all bar Tim17 at least he lives in France and keeps an open mind to all discussions :smile:

You had no need to do that Peter, this forum is fast becoming a platform for the extreme PC brigade :smile:


Why? (Will that do?) :joy:

Oh Peter… :laughing:

I am simply wondering why folk would rather get involved in an argument/disagreement … when the simplest thing is to flag an offending post…(with an explanation if so wished)…

Are folk nervous of flagging or what… ??? … I’m just wondering “why” … that’s all… :upside_down_face:

If someone was shooting at me and leaving IED’s to blow me up. I would call them much worse.


Re: “Oh, Peter!” :grin:

I know, I know, dear Stella! It’s just that some posts are an open goal for a wag like yours truly! :grin::grinning::joy::rofl:


If having consideration for other people and their feelings and sensibilities ( even if different to my own)makes me extremely PC bring it on

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I think sometimes flagging can feel like running telling tales to teacher , and some people like to make their opinions heard and discuss things out in the open

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Thanks for your thoughts Nellie… :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

What term is appropriate to the manufacturers and deliverers of cluster bombs that blow the limbs off women tilling their gardens and children walking to school, Jane? Heroes?

It appears that in a lot of ways the military services are still caught up in a bit of a boys club atmosphere that isn’t being shaken off very easily ,were the police service is going more with the times in terms of equality. I know of a gay man who joined the Special Constabulary. He decided to announce his sexuality at his first parade on for duty He made his his announcement and the response was …precisely nothing as nobody saw it as anything unusual

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Interesting observation Stella - I have both flagged and engaged in direct discussion when l object to something. For me it is a matter of degree - certain things are beyond the pale and should be for James to take a look at and arbitrate - Other things l think l can confront myself in reasonable and intelligent debate.
You’re phrase ’ Not one of them bothered to flag said post’ is accusatory in it’s context suggesting that somehow Jane, Nellie or I are cowardly or lacking in moral courage. Surely, as Nellie says, transparency is preferable. Or don’t you agree?

To be honest members should be adult enough to ‘police’ themselves without Cat or James (for example) getting involved. Peter G (to his credit) clearly thought about the reaction from others, deleted the offending word and apologised, that should be an end to it.